Word Unit: -fute, -futable (Latin: to strike down, to hit; to challenge; to prove wrong, to refuse, to reject)
Word Unit: futur- (Latin > French: to be, about to be; future)

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; -mancy; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-.

Word Unit: -fy (Latin: a suffix; make, do, build, cause, produce)
Word Unit: gage (French: pledge, promise; release, free)
Word Unit: galacto-, galact-, -galaxy (Greek: milk)

Related "milk" unit: lacto-.

Word Unit: galeo-, galea-, galeat-, galei-, galer- (Latin: helmet, helmet shaped, to cover with a helmet; cap; used primarily in zoology and botany with phases of sense development that seem to have been: weasel, weasel's skin or hide, leather, and then a helmet made of leather; by extension, it also means "cat, cats" in some words)

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "cat": aeluro-, eluro-; cat; feli-, felin-; gato-.

Word Unit: Galileo Navigation System (European Union launches first test satellite)
Word Unit: gallo-, Gall- (Latin: of or pertaining to Gaul)
Word Unit: galvano-, galvan- + (Named after the Italian physician and physicist who investigated the nature and effects of what he conceived to be electricity in animal tissue; who in 1762 discovered and first described voltaic electricity; electric currents; and primarily, direct electrical current.)

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly and/or indirectly, with "electricity": electro-; hodo-; ion-; piezo-; -tron; volt; biomechatronics, info; mechatronics, info.

Word Unit: gameto-, gamet- + (Greek: from gamet[e], "wife" and gamet[es], "husband" [from gamein, "to marry"]; used chiefly as "pertaining to a gamete, a mature reproductive cell")

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; glio-; kary-, karyo-; neuro-.

Word Unit: gamma; Γ, γ + (Greek: Γ, γ; the third letter of the Greek alphabet; corresponding to g, as in go and as a numeral, it indicates 3)
Word Unit: gamo-, gam-, -gamy, -gamous + (Greek: marriage, union; wedding; pertaining to sexual union)
Word Unit: ganglio-, gangli- (Greek > Latin: swelling, a knot; center of a cavity; nerve center; pertaining to a mass of nerve tissue)
Word Unit: gangren- (Greek: an eating, or gnawing, sore ending in mortification, necrosis, or the death of bodily tissue; usually the result of ischemia or the loss of blood supply to the affected area, bacterial invasion, and subsequent putrefaction)
Word Unit: -gard (Old French: look at, consider, think of; from guard, to heed)
Word Unit: garrul- (Latin: overly talkative, loquacious, chattering)
Word Unit: gastr-, gastro-, gaster-, gastero-, gastri-, -gastria- (Greek: stomach, belly)
Word Unit: -gate + (Latin: a suffix; from agere to set in motion, to drive, to lead; to do, to act)
Word Unit: gato- (Latin [cattus] > Spanish: cat, cats)

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "cat": aeluro-, eluro-; cat; feli-, felin-; galeo-.

Word Unit: gaud- (Latin: feeling of pleasure and delight; joy, rejoice)