Word Unit: fimbri-, fimbr- (Latin: fringe or a border or edging, fringed; thin projections forming a fringe (especially around the ovarian end of the Fallopian tube); fiber)
Word Unit: fin- (Latin: end, last; limit, boundary, border)
Word Unit: firm- (Latin: strong, hard, solid; steadfast or unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve)
Word Unit: fisc-, fiscal (Latin: from fuscus, a small rush basket; then, a purse, public purse, public revenue)
Word Unit: fissi-, fiss-, fissur- (Latin: split, cleave, cut into, cleft; vent; break into parts, separate)
Word Unit: fistul-, fistulo-, fistuli- + (Latin: pipe; an abnormal passage or communication, usually between two internal organs, or leading from an internal organ to the surface of the body)

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; incret-; inter-; intra-; splanchn-; viscer-.

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly and/or indirectly, with "tube, pipe": aulo-; can-, cann-; siphon-; syringo-; tub-.

Word Unit: fix- (Latin: to fasten; to attach; from fixus, past participle of figere)

Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: pon-; prosth-; stato-; the-, thes-.

Word Unit: flacc-, flacci- (Latin: flabby, limp, weak, drooping)
Word Unit: flagello-, flagell- (Latin: to whip, a whip, whip-like appendage)
Word Unit: flagr- (Latin: fire; burn, blaze)

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly, indirectly, or partly to: "fire, burn, glow, or ashes": ars-, ard-; -bust; cand-, cend-; caust-, caut-; crema-; ciner-; ether-; flam-; focus, foci-; fulg-; gehenna-; ign-; phleg-; phlog-; pyreto-, -pyrexia; pyr-; spod- (ashes; waste); volcan-.

Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 01 of 12 (Afghanistan to Azerbaijan)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 02 of 12 (Bahamas to Burundi)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 03 of 12 (Cambodia to Czech Republic)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 04 of 12 (Denmark to French Southern Territories)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 05 of 12 (Gabon to Hungary)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 06 of 12 (Iceland to Luxembourg)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 07 of 12 (Macao City to Mynamar)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 08 of 12 (Namibia to Nunavut, Canadian Territory)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 09 of 12 (Oman to Rwanda)
Word Unit: Flags of the World, Part 10 of 12 (Helena to Syria)