Word Unit:
micro-, micr- (Greek: small, tiny; also, a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements)
Word Unit:
migr-, migrat- (Latin: to remove, to wander; moving; to move away, to depart from one place to another place)
Word Unit:
milit- (Latin: soldier, fight; soldiers of war; war, warfare)
Word Unit:
milli- [MIL i], mille-, mill-, mili- (Latin: thousand; a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements; including, thousandth, thousandths)
Word Unit:
mimo-, mim-, -mimesis, -mimia, -mimetic, -mime, -mimic, -mimical, -mimically (Greek: represent, impersonate, copy; imitate, act as; simulate, simulation)
Word Unit:
mineral + (Middle English, from Old French mineral from Middle Latin minerale, "pertaining to mines", from minera, "mine")
Word Unit:
mini-, minor-, minut-, minu-, min- (Latin: small, little, less; decline, decrease, diminish; become less, reduce, becoming smaller or shorter)
Related "few, small, less, little" word units: micro-;mio-; nano-; oligo-, olig-.
Word Unit:
mio-, meio- + (Greek: smaller, less, fewer)
Related "few, small, less, little" word units: micro-; mini-; nano-; oligo-, olig-.
Word Unit:
mirac-, mira-, mir- (Latin: to wonder at, wonderful; causing one to smile)
Word Unit:
mis- (Anglo-Saxon: bad, harsh, wrong; always a prefix)
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "bad, wrong": caco-, kako-; dys-; mal-; pessim-; sceler-.
Word Unit:
miso-, mis-, -misia (Greek: hate, hater, hatred; disgust for; revulsion of; contempt for; abhorrence of)
Word Unit:
miss-, mis-, -miss, -mis, mit-, mitt-, -mit, -mitt (Latin: to send, to let go, to cause to go; to throw, to hurl, to cast)
Word Unit:
mite, mites + (Old English: a small or tiny insect; acurus)