Word Unit: merg-, mers- (Latin: dip, dive, plunge; rise out of a liquid; combine into one)
Word Unit: merinth-, merintho- + (Greek: cord, line, string)
Word Unit: merit-, meri-, mere- (Latin: to deserve; to earn, to acquire, to gain; entitled to)
Word Unit: Mesmerism (precursor of hypnotism, believed by Mesmer to involve animal magnetism)
Word Unit: Mesmerism and Benjamin Franklin (magnetic therapies doubted by other "scientists")
Word Unit: meso-, mes-, mesi- (Greek: middle, intermediate; close to a center line; between)
Word Unit: Messages to and from Virgnia (See if this works for communications)
Word Unit: meta-, met-, meth- (Greek: after, behind, beyond; changed in form, altered; higher [used to designate a higher degree of a branch of science])
Word Unit: metallo-, metall- (Greek: mineral, metal)
Word Unit: meteoro-, meteor- + (Greek: upraised, high up; in the air; anything raised from the ground, high, lofty; hovering in the air; hence, "heavenly body, atmospheric phenomenon")
Word Unit: metho-, meth- + (a combining form meaning methyl)
Word Unit: methyl-, methy- + (Greek: a combining form occurring in the names of chemical compounds in which the methyl group is present; alcohol, wine)
Word Unit: meticu- + (Latin: fear, timid)
Word Unit: metopo-, metop- (Greek: forehead)
Word Unit: Metric Chart of Units (numerical values of international metric prefixes)

Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: meter-, -metric; Metric Units and Links.

Word Unit: Metric Units Chart and Links (presenting each metric name, metric symbol, and numerical metric factor)

Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: meter-, -metric; Metric Chart of Units.

Word Unit: metro-, metr- + (Greek: mother [family member])
Word Unit: metro-, metra-, metr- (Greek: uterus, womb)
Word Unit: miasm-, miasma-, miasmat- (Greek: pollution, stain, contamination; to pollute, to defile, to corrupt)