leuko-, leuk-, -leukemia; alternate spellings: leuco-, leuc-, -leucemia

(Greek: leukos, white; the primary meaning now is the color "white"; but it also includes the meanings of "light, clear, bright")

leukotherapy (s) (noun), leukotherapies (pl)
A treatment using white blood cells to build up the immune system to fight diseases; leucocytotherapy: In hospital, Mrs. Zeller underwent leukotherapy in order to strengthen her immunity against illnesses and ailments.
leukotome, leucotome (s) (noun); leukotomes; leucotomes (pl)
A device to perform a leukotomy: A leukotome was employed in the surgical operation on the frontal lobe of Jim's brain in order to cure a mental disorder that he had.
leukotomy (s) (noun), leukotomies (pl)
A surgical operation involving the frontal lobe of the brain: A leukotomy was previously intends to treat certain mental disorders.
leukotoxic (adjective), more leukotoxic, mosSome leukotoxic
Regarding something that is poisonous or harmful to white blood cells: Some serious leukotoxic infections, like blood infections, and chemotherapy drugs will kill WBCs.
leukotoxicity (s) (noun) (no pl)
A poisonous condition of white blood cells: Dr. Todd talked about leukotoxicity in patients suffering from blood cancer.
leukotoxin (s) (noun), leukotoxins (pl)
A substance that is poisonous to white blood cells: In medical school, Mark learned about leukotoxins as being a material or matter, like leukolysin and leukocidin, that kills WBCs.
leukotrichia (s) (noun), leukotrichias (pl)
Whiteness of the hair, or whiteness in a certain area: Jane's mother noticed a white spot of hair on the back of Jane's head, and after seeing their family doctor, she was informed that her daughter had a condition of leukotrichia, which was harmless due to a lack of any other symptoms.
pseudoleukemia (s) (noun) (no pl)
An abnormal condition similar to leukeemia; pseudoleukaemia: Dr. Smart told Mrs. Dawson that she had a case of pseudoleukemia which lacked the changes in her blood stream, which was characteristic of leukaemia.
venereal collar, collar of pearls, collar of Venus, leukoderma colli (s) (noun) (no pl)
Syphilitic leukoderma or a congenital skin condition characterized by spots or bands of unpigmented skin around the neck and shoulders: Venereal colla is virtually pathognomonic of late syphilis, that is decisively characteristic of a disease or indicating a disease with certainty.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albo-; albumino-.