leuko-, leuk-, -leukemia; alternate spellings: leuco-, leuc-, -leucemia

(Greek: leukos, white; the primary meaning now is the color "white"; but it also includes the meanings of "light, clear, bright")

leukodont, leukodontia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The state of having white teeth: Cathy's dentist, Dr. Hathaway, told her that her teeth were very good and to continue to take care of the condition of leukodont.
leukogram (s) (noun), leukograms (pl)
A tabulation of the leukocytes (white blood cells) present in a blood sample: A leukogram is is part of the CBC (complete blood count) which examines and investigates white blood cells and includes the entire WBC subpopulation count.
leukokinesis (s) (noun), leukokineses (pl)
Chemokinesis, or an active increase of leukocytes including certain chemical substance: Jack was interested in how leukokinesis functioned by raising the number of white blood cells with the use of chemical matter.
leukokinetic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the science of the creation, circulation, and destiny of leukocytes: Dr. Thompson was involved in the leukokinetic research at his university, especially with the use of radioactive substances..
leukokinetics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the creation, circulation, and destiny of leukocytes: Finally Joan found a book on leukokinetics at the library so that she could continue her studies of the formation, the circulation, and the destiny of leukocytes.
leukolytic (adjective), more leukolytic, most leukolytic
Referring to leukosis: The leukolytic process involves the pathological breakdown of white blood cells caused by the cell membranes disintegrating which, in turn, is due to osmosis.
leukomyelitis (s) (noun) (no pl)
Inflammation of the white substance of the spinal cord: At hospital, the elderly Mrs. Cartwright was informed that she had a case of leukomyelitis involving the white matter of her medulla spinalis.
leukomyelopathy (s) (noun), leukomyelopathies (pl)
One of assorted disorders of the white substance of the spinal cord: In her book, Ruth found out that leukomyelopathy related to an ailment of the white matter of the conducting tracts of the medulla spinalis.
leukomyoma (s) (noun), leukomyomas (pl)
In pathology, a white tumor normaly composed of muscle tissue: A leukomyoma is usually benign and can occur in the oesophagus and in the uterus.
leukonecrosis (s) (noun), leukonecroses (pl)
White gangrene: A leukonecrosis is the decayed tissue, or of an organ in a body, that has formed a large quantity of dead matter.
leukonychia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The occurrence of white spots or patches under the nails, or an abnormal whiteness of the nails: Leukonychia has a variety of causes, including leukonychia totalis (total), or leukonychia punctata (only in streaks), or leukonychia striata (streaks).
leukopathia (s) (noun), leukopathias (s)
Leukoderma; a lack of pigmentation in certain parts of the skin: Dr. Small told Jim that the white spots on his hands wee due to a disorder called leukopathia, a deficiency of the colouring element in the skin.
leukopathy (s) (noun), leukopathies (pl)
1. One kind of disease of the leukocytes: Art learned about leukopathy pertaining to the disorders of the white blood cells in a human body.
2. A localized loss of pigmentation of the skin: Jane read that leukopathy can relate to the acquired condition of the reduction or abscission of normal pigmentation of the skin.
leukopenia (s) (noun), leukopenia (pl)
An abnormal lowering of the white blood cell count: In medical school, David learned about leukocytopenia as being nn excessive reduction in the number of white blood cells.

Leukocytopenia is the antithesis of leukocytosis and is any situation in which the total number of leukocytes in circulating blood that is less than normal.

leukopenic (adjective), more leukopenic, leukopenic
Referring to the extraordinarily low number of white cells in the blood: The elderly Mr. Green was told by his doctor that he had a leukopenic condition in which the white blood cells were quite depleted to a very low count.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albo-; albumino-.