leuko-, leuk-, -leukemia; alternate spellings: leuco-, leuc-, -leucemia

(Greek: leukos, white; the primary meaning now is the color "white"; but it also includes the meanings of "light, clear, bright")

leucocytosis (s) (noun), leucocytoses (pl)
In pathology, an increased number of white blood cells (WBC) beyond the normal limit: Dr. Smart told Jane that she had a condition of leucocytosis due to the infection of tonsillitis, but with proper treatment and rest, could be cured.
leucocytotaxis, leucocytotaxia (s) (noun); leucocytotaxes; leucocytotaxias (pl)
Movement of leukocytes in response to some stimulus: Jack learned that Leucocytotaxis occurred due to an injury or an inflammation.
leucoderma (s) (noun), leucoderma; leucodermata (pl)
In pathology, a loss of skin pigmentation: At the dermatologists's, Sam found out that he had a condition of leucoderma which caused him to have patches of skin without his previous skin color.
leucodermia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Absence of pigment in the skin: Because of a loss of melanin pigmentation, Judy developed a condition of leucodermia which caused parts of her skin to be white.
leucoma (s) (noun), leucomas; leucomata (pl)
In pathology, a clear area or scare on the cornea of the eye; albugo: Following her eye infection and inflammation, Sally acquired a case of leucoma causing an area of opacity in her right eye.
leucomelanous (adjective), more leucomelanous, most leucomelanous
Concerning a person with dark hair and a fair complexion: The witch in the story was pictured as a leucomelanous old hag with white skin and black hair and who went outside only at night and stirred around the snakes and toads in her old cauldron.
leucoplast (s) (noun), leucoplasts (pl)
In biology, a tiny colourless body present in the cytoplast of a plant cell: A leucoplast is used to store food substance, like starch.
leucopoiesis, leucopoiesis, leukopoiesis (s) (noun) (no pl)
The formation or production of white blood cells: Leucopoiesis, or the creation of leucocytes, takes place in the bone marrow existing in the bones of adults and in the hematopoietic organs in the unborn child.
leucopterin (s) (noun), leucopterins (pl)
A compound of a crystalline alkali-solution: In class, Jeff learned that leucopterin was a substance that created the white color of cabbage butterflies and wasps, for example.f
leucotactic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of that which attracts leukocytes: An injury to a body part or an inflammation in a person's body can stimulate a leucotactic process to take place.
leucotaxis, leukotaxis (s) (noun) (no pl)
The ability to attract leukocytes: An infection, for example, can prompt a situation of leucotaxis into action.
leucotomy, leukotomy, lobotomy (s) (noun); leucotomies; leukotomies; lobotomies (pl)
A surgical operation involving the frontal lobe of the brain: A leucotomy was previously intends to treat certain mental disorders.
leukemia, leucemia (s) (noun); leukemias; leucemias (pl)
Any of several types of cancer in which there is usually a disorganized sudden increase of white blood cells in the bone marrow from which all blood cells originate: With leukemia, the production of red blood cells, platelets, and normal white blood cells is decreased because they are crowded out by the leukemic cells.

As a result of leukemia, some of the other bodily organs may no longer function properly, such as the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, testes, or the brain.

Strictly speaking, leukemia should refer only to cancer of the white blood cells (the leukocytes) but in practice it can apply to malignancy of any cellular element in the blood or bone marrow, as in red cell leukemia or erythroleukemia.

Certain types of childhood leukemias respond well to treatment, which includes drugs, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

leukemic, leukaemic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to leukemia: The elderly Mrs. Dawson was seriously ill and her doctor informed her and her adult children that she had a very grave leukemic condition that could not be treated to a further extent. .
leukemogen (s) (noun), leukemogens (pl)
Any matter that causes leukaemia: There are some substances, or leukemogens, and reasons that encourage leukaemia, including smoking, radiation, Down syndrome, and exposure to chemicals.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albo-; albumino-.