You searched for: “calendar
calendar, calender, colander
calendar (KAL uhn dur) (noun)
A printed series of pages showing the months, weeks, and days of the year: Each year on January 1, Tamara gives her friends and family a new calendar.
calender (KAL uhn dur) (noun)
A machine in which cloth or paper is pressed by rollers: When making paper, part of the process is to use the calender which rolls the paper very thin.
colander (KUHL uhn dur, KAHL uhn dur) (noun)
A bowl that has many small holes or perforations in the bottom used for washing, straining, or draining food: Vera used the colander to drain water from the spaghetti right after it was boiled.

A calendar is the proof that our days are numbered! It is also a system that plans its work a whole year ahead and never fails to finish on time.

—Evan Esar

Colleen's niece learned to use a calender for her paper making course. She made her aunt a wonderful calendar on which she charted the chores required during the harvest season including getting out the colander for straining the cooked tomatoes while she was making sauce.

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Units related to: “calendar
(Frigedaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Friday)
(Monandaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Monday)
(Saterndaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Saturday)
(Sunnandaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Sunday)
(Thursdaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Thursday)
(The Nordic story of Tiw and Fenris)
(Tiwesdaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Tuesday)
(Wodensdaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Wednesday)
(April, today's dates — the Roman way)
(April, another ancient Roman month)
(August, today's dates — the Roman way)
(August, formerly Sextilis)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(December, today's dates — the Roman way)
(Decembris, once was the tenth month of the old Roman calendar)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day names)
(Month and Day Names)
(Februarius, a month of purification)
(February, today's dates — the Roman way)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(calendars past and present)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(a Roman month in retrospection)
(January, today's dates — the Roman way)
(July, formerly Quintilis)
(July, today's dates — the Roman way)
(June, today's dates — the Roman way)
(June, the month for marriages, past and present)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(May, the month of fertility)
(March, today's dates — the Roman way)
(March, named for the Roman god of War)
(May, today's dates — the Roman way)
(links to a variety of languages)
(waxing, waning and phases of the moon)
(the sidereal and the synodical month)
(importance of the moon)
(significant historical eclipses of the moon)
(impacts of lunar eclipses)
(an important symbol for many people)
(aspects of the moon are known as phases from a Greek word meaning "appearance")
(Month and Day Names)
(November, today's dates — the Roman way)
(November is the 11th month of the New Style Calendar)
(October, today's dates — the Roman way)
(October, now the tenth month of the Roman calendar)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(Development of the Roman Calendar Through the Centuries)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(September, today's dates — the Roman way)
(September, now the ninth month)
(Month and Day Names)
(Month and Day Names)
(meaning and origin)
(calendars from Roman to modern times)
(a compilation of several languages)
(books that have served as sources of information for the compilations of the various calendar histories and modern usages of several chronological topics)
Word Entries containing the term: “calendar
Roman-calendar Months Illustrated
At first, the Romans started their years with spring and had only 10 months for each year.
Latin calendar.
Word Info image © ALL rights are reserved.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 7)
Word Entries at Get Words: “calendar
The division of the year into months, weeks, and days and the method of ordering the years (past, present, and future).

From year one, an assumed date of the birth of Jesus, dates are calculated backwards (B.C., "before Christ" or B.C.E., "before common era") and forwards (A.D., Latin anno Domini, "in the year of the Lord", or C.E. "common era").

Calendar,The Whole Ball of Wax
The meaning and origin as presented in this unit.
(Dates, times, etc.)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “calendar
Calendar Elements Links
Calendars from Roman to modern times unit.
calendar month, lunar month
The period between one new Moon and the next which naturally averages 29.5 days, but the Western calendar uses, for convenience, a calendar month with a complete number of days, 30 or 31 (February has 28).

For adjustments, since there are slightly fewer than six extra hours a year left over, they are added to February as a 29th day every fourth year (leap year), century years being excepted unless they are divisible by 400; for example, 1896 was a leap year; 1900 was not.

This entry is located in the following unit: Measurements and Mathematics Terms (page 4)
lunar calendar
A measure of the year based on twelve lunar months (the time it takes the moon to revolve around the earth), which lasts about 354.37 days.
solar calendar
A measure of the year based on earth's revolution around the sun, which takes 365.2422 days.

This is the calendar used in most of the world today.