Calendar, Russian
(Month and Day Names)
Russian Calendar
janvár’ (January) |
fevrál’ (February) |
mart (March) |
aprél’ (April) |
maj (May) |
ijún’ (June) |
ijúl’ (July) |
ávgust (August) |
sentjábr’ (September) |
oktjábr’ (October) |
nojábr’ (November) |
dekábr’ (December) |
Days of the Week
ponedél’nik (Monday) |
vtórnik (Tuesday) |
sredá (Wednesday) |
cetvérg (Thursday) |
pjátnica (Friday) |
subbóta (Saturday) |
voskresén’e (Sunday) |
Translations of the Russian day names
Ponedél’nik, since the element po means, “after”, this day is expressed as the “day after the non-working day” or voskresén’e (resurrection day).
Vtórnik means, the “second working day after the non-working day” of the week.
Sredá means, the “middle of the week.”
Cetvérg means, the “fourth working day after the non-working” day.
Pjátnica means, the “fifth working day after the non-working” day.
Subbóta means, the “Sabbath” day.
Voskresén’e means, “resurrection” day or “non working” day.