Calendar, Estonia
(Month and Day Names)
Calendar in Estonian
jaanuar (January) |
veebruar (February) |
märts (March) |
aprill (April) |
mai (May) |
juuni (June) |
juuli (July) |
august (August) |
september (September) |
oktoober (October) |
november (November) |
detsember (December) |
Days of the Week
esmaspäev (Monday) |
teisipäev (Tuesday) |
kolmapäev (Wednesday) |
neljapäev (Thursday) |
reede (Friday) |
laupäev (Saturday) |
pühapäev (Sunday) |
A Few Comments about the Estonian Language

A brief history of Estonia
The Republic of Estonia is a small country in Northeastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea to the west and the north (including the Gulf of Finland to the north), and sharing a land border with its fellow Baltic state Latvia to the south and with Russia to the east.
Estonia has been populated by the native Finno Ugric Estonians since prehistory. It was first christianised when the German Sword Brethren and Denmark conquered the land in 1227. Subsequent foreign powers that controlled Estonia at various times included Denmark, Sweden, Poland and finally Russia.
Following the collapse of imperial Russia during the October Revolution, Estonia declared its independence as a republic on February 24, 1918. Forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union in June, 1940, it regained its freedom in August 20, 1991 with the Singing Revolution and collapse of the Soviet Union. August 20 remains a national holiday in Estonia because of this.
The Estonian language (eesti keel) is spoken by about 1.1 million people, of which the great majority live in the Republic of Estonia.
Estonian belongs to the Finnic branch of the Finno-Ugric languages. Estonian is not, as is sometimes thought, in any way related to its nearest geographic neighbors, Latvian and Lithuanian, which are Baltic languages, but is related to Finnish, spoken on the other side of the Gulf of Finland, and Hungarian. In fact, the northern dialects of Estonian are sufficiently similar to Finnish for the two to be mutually intelligible.