Calendar, Anglo-Saxon Sunnandaeg
(Sunnandaeg, an Anglo-Saxon name for Sunday)
Our Sunday was originally sunnandaeg (sun’s day) for the Anglo Saxons. It’s Roman name, dies solis, “sun’s day”, is a name thought to have survived from the ancient worship of the sun.
- The sun goddess Sul, Sol, or Sulis was worshipped in Britain at the famous aritficial mountain in the Avebury complex of megalithic monuments, now known as Sibury Hill.
- At Bath, the Romans identified Sul with Minerva and set up altars to her using the name of Sul Minerva.
- When the British Isles were converted to Christianity, Sunday not only became a day of worship, but also a day of rest from everything except agricultural responsibilities.
- In Britain, as well as in Western Europe, certain kinds of work and amusement were forbidden on Sunday.
- Although stipulations were laid down in England as early as the 7th century, only in the Act of Uniformity passed in 1551 during the reign of King Edward VI was Sunday church-going definitely required by law.
- According to a statute of 1558-1559, any person who did not attend church services was subject to a penalty of twelve pence, as well as church censure.

In reality, killing time
Is only the name for another of the multifarious ways
By which Time kills us.
Is only the name for another of the multifarious ways
By which Time kills us.