cyto-, cyt-, -cyte, cytio-

(Greek: cells, cell, hollow; used primarily in the extended sense of "animal or plant cells" [because cells were originally thought to be hollow])

Having an affinity for cells from the same species.
Any condition in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of cells in the circulating blood or the tissues of the body.
hypoleucocytosis (s) (noun), hypoleucocytoses (pl)
An inadequate number of white blood cells in the blood: Mr. Thompson was told by Dr. Smart that he had a case of hypoleucocytosis, a very serious condition due to a low white cell count of less than 4,000 cells per microliter of blood.
The presence of numerous leptocytes in the blood.
leucocyte (s) (noun), leucocytes (pl)
In cytology, a white blood cell; leukocyte: A leucocytes is one of many big unpigmented cells in a person't vital fluid and is also known as a white blood corpuscle.
leucocytometer, leukocytometer (s) (noun); leucocytometers; leukocytometers (pl)
A specialized and standardised glass slide which is adapted to count the leukocytes: Dr. Lawson, an expert in the application of a leucocytometer, made sure that the measured volume of of precisely diluted blood was close at hand for calculating the leukocytes.
leucocytosis (s) (noun), leucocytoses (pl)
In pathology, an increased number of white blood cells (WBC) beyond the normal limit: Dr. Smart told Jane that she had a condition of leucocytosis due to the infection of tonsillitis, but with proper treatment and rest, could be cured.
leucocytotaxis, leucocytotaxia (s) (noun); leucocytotaxes; leucocytotaxias (pl)
Movement of leukocytes in response to some stimulus: Jack learned that Leucocytotaxis occurred due to an injury or an inflammation.
leukocytology (s) (noun) (no pl)=
Outdated, the study of leukocytes and diseases: haematology-oncology: In medical school, Sam decided to specialize in leukocytology and learn more about diseases, including cancer, and the medical care involved in such cases.
leukocytopenia, leukopenia (s) (noun); leukocytopenias; leukopenia (pl)
An abnormal lowering of the white blood cell count: In medical school, David learned about leukocytopenia as being nn excessive reduction in the number of white blood cells.

Leukocytopenia is the antithesis of leukocytosis and is any situation in which the total number of leukocytes in circulating blood that is less than normal.

leukocytophagy (s) (noun) (no pl)
The phagocytosis of leukocytes by cells of the monocyte-macrophage system: Jane read about leukocytophagy as referring to white blood cells of the immune system, (like a neutrophil) that eats and destroys viruses and bacteria, for example.
leukocytotherapy (s) (noun), leukocytotherapies (pl)
A treatment involving different cells in cell-mediated immunity: Jane learned that there was a type of medical care, called leukocytotherapy, when there was a disorder or disease of the white blood cells in a person's body.
leukocytotoxin (s) (noun), leukocytotoxins (pl)
A matter that induces or effects the death of leukocytes or their deterioration, including leukocidin and leukolysin: There are some leukocytotoxins that attack and kill white blood cells, and among them are certain chemical drugs and any staphylococcal, streptococcal, or exotoxin. .
leukophagocytosis (s) (noun), leukophagocytoses (pl)
The ingestion of leukocytes by phagocytes: Judylearned in medical school, that some cells of the immune system engulf and destroy not only viruses and bacteria, but also white blood cells.

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; kary-, karyo-; neuro-.

Here is a general explanation about Cells and their Compositions.