cranio-, crani-, cran- +
(Greek > Medieval Latin [c.700-c.1500]: head, skull)
Visual auras may include flashing lights, geometric patterns, or distorted vision. Some people may have aural (ear) auras that involve hearing sounds (usually buzzing) that are not actually present, olfactory auras that involve smelling odors that are not actually present, or tactile auras that appear as premonitory physical sensations (giving prior warning of disease symptoms).
The auras experienced by migraine sufferers are similar to those associated with epilepsy.
2. Usually consisting of periodic attacks of headaches on one or both sides of the head that may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity of the eyes to light (photophobia), increased sensitivity to sound (phonophobia), dizziness, blurred vision, cognitive disturbances, and other symptoms.
Attacks are preceded by constriction of the cranial arteries, usually with the resultant prodromal sensory (especially ocular) symptoms and commence with the vasodilation that follows.
Not all severe headaches are migraines and not all migraines are severe.
Some factors known to make migraines worse in some patients include stress, food sensitivities, menstruation, and the onset of menopause.
Most patients will feel better if they lie down and avoid bright lights.
3. Etymology: from 1373, megrim, from Old French migraigne, from a vulgar pronunciation of Late Latin hemicrania, "pain in one side of the head, headache"; from Greek hemikrania, from hemi-, "half" + kranion, "skull".The Middle English form was re-spelled in 1777 based on the French model.
The most common cluster headache pattern, acute cluster headache, is characterized by one to three short attacks of pain each day around the eyes, clustered over a stretch of one to two months, and followed by a pain-free period that averages about one year.
Cluster headaches are different and distinct from migraines, although the underlying mechanisms are similar.
An ocular migraine usually affects only one eye at a time. Image distortion generally begins in the center of the image and then moves to one side.
Images "gray out" or look wavy, and sight may be lost temporarily.
2. The fetal skull during the period of ossification, from early in the third month of gestation.
3. The cranium of the fetus after ossification of the membranous cranium has made it firm.
2. The petrous part and the mastoid process of the temporal bone, containing the hearing apparatus.