elasto-, elast- +

(Greek > Latin: driven on, set in motion; driven, set in motion; ductile; elasticity, elastic)

hyperelastic skin
Skin that can be stretched beyond what's considered normal, and then returns to normal.

Hyperelasticity occurs when there is a problem with the production of collagen fibers. Collagen is a type of protein that makes up much of the body's tissue.

Hyperelastic skin is most often seen in the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. People with this disorder are sometimes referred to as rubber men (or women) because of the increased elasticity of their skin and hyperextensible joints (the joints can be bent more than is normally possible).

Other diseases that may cause easily stretchable skin include Marfan syndrome, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, osteogenesis imperfecta, cutis laxa, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and sun-related changes of older skin.

People with hyperelastic skin are more likely than others to experience damage to the skin (cuts, scrapes, and scarring). The skin may be more delicate than normal skin. Extra care must be taken to avoid damage to the skin, and the skin should be examined frequently for problems.

senile elastosis, elastosis senilis
The degeneration of the elastic tissue of the dermis (skin), due to old age.
1. A topic in thermodynamics which deals with the compressibility of substances.
2. A condition of elasticity exhibited by a normally rigid material due to an increase in temperature.