elasto-, elast- +

(Greek > Latin: driven on, set in motion; driven, set in motion; ductile; elasticity, elastic)

A substance formed by the hyaline (glassy translucent material) degeneration of the internal elastic lamina of blood vessels; seen in the vessels of the uterus after the delivery of a baby.
Changes in the skin resembling elastosis.
1. Dissolution (separation) of elastic fibers.
2. A defect in the elastic tissue, resulting in atrophy and laxity of the skin.
Capable of catalyzing the digestion of elastic tissue.
1. A tumor or focal excess of elastic tissue fibers or abnormal collagen fibers of the skin.
2. An abnormality in quality or quantity of either cutaneous collagen or elastic fibers in the dermis.
3. A chronic disease of the skin; pseudoxanthoma (a condition resembling xanthoma).

Xanthoma consists of yellowish firm nodules in the skin frequently indicating underlying disease; such as, diabetes, disorder of fats (lipid disorder or hyperlipidemia), or other conditions. A xanthoma is a kind of harmless growth of tissue.

Under the microscope, a xanthoma can be seen to be composed of lipid-laden foam cells. These cells, termed histiocytes, contain lipid material in their cytoplasm (the nonnuclear zone of the cell).

The word xanthoma is made up of xanth- from the Greek roots xanthos, "yellow" and oma, "swelling" which equals "a yellow swelling". A xanthoma is a circumscribed yellow swelling or a "yellowish nodule".

1. Any of various lightly cross-linked polymers whose glass transition temperature is below room temperature so that they have rubberlike properties; used in dentistry as an impression material and for maxillofacial extraoral prostheses.
2. A man-made material with elastic properties resembling those of rubber.
An instrument for determining the elasticity of tissues, and thus measuring the degree of edema (swelling of soft tissues as a result of excess water accumulation).
The measurement of elasticity.
elastopathy (s) (noun), elastopathies (pl)
A deficiency of elastic tissue: During the examination of the newborn baby, an elastopathy was detected, which was a defect in the composition of the infant's flexible tissues.
A trademark for an elastic bandage.
1. The rupture of elastic fibers.
2. The breaking up of elastic fibers.
A peptone resulting from gastric digestion of elastin (protein that coils and recoils like a spring within the elastic fibers of connective tissue).

Peptones are any of various soluble compounds that do not coagulate, are obtained by acid or enzyme hydrolysis of natural protein, and are used as nutrients in culture media.

Elastin is a protein that coils and recoils like a spring within the elastic fibers of connective tissue and accounts for the elasticity of structures; such as, the skin, blood vessels, heart, lungs, intestines, tendons, and ligaments.

1. The degeneration and fragmentation of elastic fibers or tissue.
2. Degenerative changes in the dermal connective tissue with increased amounts of elastotic material having the staining properties of elastin.
3. Any disturbance of the dermal connective tissue.
Characterized by elastosis or degeneration and fragmentation of elastic fibers.
1. The study of the elasticity of fluids.
2. The elastic interaction between a body and the fluid in which it is immersed.