cardio-, cardi-, card-

(Greek: heart, pertaining to the heart)

cardionecrosis (s), cardionecroses (pl) (nouns)
Death of the myocardium.
cardiopathy (s) (noun), cardiopathies (pl)
In pathology, an ailment of the heart: Almost all of the young patients with cardiopathy were able to lead quite normal lives.
cardiophobia (s) (noun), cardiophobias (pl)
A panic of having a heart disease: A cardiophobia may include any perceived disorder or defect of his or her heart which a person fears will interfere with its normal functioning and which could possibly cause death.
A stethoscope specially modified to aid in listening to the sounds of the heart.
A term for phonocardiography.
cardiopneumatic (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning both the air in the lungs and air passages and the heart: Doctors speak of cardiopneumatic movement when the pulsation of the heart stimulates the motion of air in the air passages.
cardiopneumograph (s) (noun), cardiopneumographs (pl)
A device for recording the motion of the heart and lungs.
cardiopneumographic (adjective), more cardiopneumographic, most cardiopneumographic
A reference to bodily events in which both the cardiovascular and the pulmonary systems participate and are graphically recorded.
The downward displacement of the heart.
A reference to the heart and the lungs.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR
1. A basic emergency procedure for life support, consisting of artificial respiration and manual external cardiac massage.
2. The emergency substitution of heart and lung action to restore life to someone who appears dead.

The two main components of conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, are chest compression to make the heart pump and mouth-to-mouth ventilation to breath for the victim.

Hands-only CPR is a form of resuscitation that involves continuous, rapid chest compressions only, and although effective, it is not as beneficial as conventional CPR in a patient who is not breathing.

In the event of an early heart attack, death can often be avoided if a bystander calls emergency services (911 in the U.S. or 112 in Europe) and starts CPR promptly.

Hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation was approved by the American Heart Association in April, 2008, as a measure to allow untrained or fearful bystanders to be able to initiate help in the event of a cardiac arrest. If others are present, one person should attempt to locate an automated external defibrillator (AED) while another administers CPR.

cardiopuncture (s) (noun), cardiopunctures (pl)
Surgical incision or a penetration into the heart; cardiocentesis: Mr. Jackson was told by his doctor that he would have to go to hospital for a cardiopuncture to cure him of his heart issue, but he needn't be nervous because the surgeon was excellent.

A cross reference of another word group that is related to: "heart": cor-, cord-.