cardio-, cardi-, card-
(Greek: heart, pertaining to the heart)
1. The record or film obtained during radiocardiography (technique of recording or interpreting radiocardiograms).
2. A graphic record of the concentration of injected radioisotope within the cardiac chambers.
2. A graphic record of the concentration of injected radioisotope within the cardiac chambers.
A recording of cardiac vibrations as they affect the entire body by various techniques.
seismocardiography, seismocardiographic
The analysis of movements of the chest as an indication of the functioning of the heart.
silent myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction occurring without pain or other symptoms; often detected only by electrographic or postmortem examination.
1. The displacement or misplacement of the heart beyond the normal position to the left side.
sinus bradycardia
A slow sinus rhythm with an atrial rate below 60 beats per minute in an adult and 70 beats per minute in a child.
A polygraph recording of both the heartbeat and the radial pulse.
A polygraph (multiple) recording of both the heartbeat and the radial pulse; such as, on the wrist.
Angina pectoris.
Relating to the sternum and the pericardium.
sudden cardiac arrest, SCA
Sudden death due to cardiac causes rather than to trauma.
The event begins with an abrupt loss of consciousness within one hour of the onset of acute symptoms.
Sudden cardiac arrest occurs most commonly in individuals with known preexisting heart disease, but in whom the time and mode of death were unexpected.
tachycardia, tachycardiac, tachycardic, tachyrhythmia
An excessively rapid heartbeat, typically regarded as a heart rate exceeding 100 beats per minute in a resting adult.
An electrocardiogram recorded at a distance from the subject being tested: The telecardiogram utilizes a galvanometer in the laboratory that is being connected by a wire with the patient in another room.
A cross reference of another word group that is related to: "heart": cor-, cord-.