(s) (noun), biobibliographies
1. A bibliography containing biographical information about the author or authors.
2. A bibliography containing biographical sketches of listed authors.
1. A hypothetical unit of living matter capable of dividing, growing, and stimulating cell function.
2. An elementary unit of protoplasmic structure.
“An event in which dozens of scientists fan out across some unlikely habitat, hell-bent on recording every species they can find, dead or alive, in a 24-hour period.”
As described in the April, 2000, issue of Smithsonian, in an article titled “Wanted, Dead or Alive” by Richard Conniff, page 21. The sub-title states, “When scientists go scavenging at a BioBlitz, anything they can find that’s organic [apparently non-vegetarian] is considered fair game”.
The number of contaminating organisms found on a given amount of material prior to undergoing an industrial sterilization procedure.
The potential productivity of all the biologically productive space within a specified country, region, or territory.
A substance of biological origin that can catalyze a reaction; q.v. (quod vide = "which see"), an enzyme.
biocen, biocoen
The sum of all the living components of an environment or habitat.
biocenology, biocoenology
1. The branch of biology dealing with the study of biological communities and the interactions among their members.
2. The study of communities of organisms and of the relationship among the members of such communities.
biocenotic, biocoenotic
A reference to an association of organisms forming a biotic community; the relationship that exists between such organisms.
1. Regarding or treating life as a very important fact.
2. Having life as a principal fact or of great significance.
biochemical field
A reference to the career field of science that deals with the chemical substances that occur in living organisms, the processes by which these substances enter in living organisms, the processes by which these substances enter into or are formed in the organisms and react with each other and the environment, and the methods by which the substances and processes are identified, characterized, and measured.
biochemical fuel cell
An electrochemical energy source in which electricity is generated chemically by the oxidation of biological substances.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand, biochemicaloxygendemand (BOD)
1. The amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) consumed by micro-organism in the biochemical oxidation of organic and inorganic matter; a commonly used measurement to determine water quality, since the amount of oxygen used is an indicator of the level of organic waste that is present.
2. The standard measurement for determining the level of organic pollution in a sample of water.
3. The oxygen required by aerobic organisms; such as, those in sewage, for metabolism.
It is the amount of oxygen used by micro-organisms feeding on the organic material over a given period. Sewage effluent must be diluted to comply with the statutory BOD before it can be disposed of into "clean" rivers.
biochemical toxonomy
The use of chemical characteristics to help classify organisms; for example, the Asteroideae and Cichorioidae, which are the two main divisions of the plant family Compositae, are separated by the presence or absence of latex.
The area of taxonomy has increased in importance with the development of chromatography, electrophoresis, serology, and other analytical techniques.
A specialist in biochemistry.

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