Substance of large molecular weight; for example, protein, DNA, etc.
1. The magnetic field created by a living organism; such as, animal magnetism.
2. The effect of an external magnetic field on living organisms.
biomagnify, biomagnifies; biomagnified; biomagnifying
To undergo biological magnification or increasing in concentration of a pollutant from one level in a food chain to another one.
(s) (noun), biomanipulations
The deliberate alteration of the species of an ecosystem by adding or removing certain ones: Sometimes predators are involved in a biomanipulation in order to balance the composition of an area.
1. A measurable indicator of a disease, or of vulnerability to a disease, that may or may not be causal.
The term includes molecular, genetic, immunologic, and physiologic signals of events in biological systems that may appear in any of the various steps along the causation pathway of a disorder.
2. In toxicology, a physiological or pharmacological measure that is used to predict a toxic event in an animal.
(s) (noun), biomasses
1. The total amount of living material within a given unit of an environmental area: "The total living biomass of bacteria may exceed that of plants and animals."
2. Plant material, vegetation, or agricultural waste that is used as a fuel or as a source of energy: "Efforts are being made to utilize more vegetable matter to produce fuel for all aspects of energy uses."
"Any solid, gaseous, or liquid fuel obtained from biomass may come from natural forms: such as, wood, peat, or a commercially produced form including ethanol from sugarcane residue; and diesel fuel can also be produced from waste vegetable oils."
"Biomass is a collective term for all organic substances of relatively recent (non-geological) origin that can be used for energy production, including industrial, commercial, and agricultural wood and plant residues; municipal organic waste; animal manure; and crops directly produced for energy purposes."
(adjective), more biomass, most biomass
1. A reference to vegetable materials that are used as a source of green energy-fuel production: "The biomass stations in some places are generating electricity."
2. Pertaining to living organisms, plant and animal, in a particular geographical area: "The biomass species for each section include micro-organisms, plants, and animals."
"It has been estimated that there are about five million trillion trillion, or 5 × 1030 (5 nonillion) biomass bacteria on Earth with a total biomass equaling that of plants. Some researchers believe that bacteria are, and always have been, the dominant biomass forms of life on Earth exceeding the total of all plants and animals."
biomass combustion
A technology that extracts heat energy from natural materials so it can then be used for a variety of heat and power applications.
biomass energy
A general term for renewable energy produced from plants, etc ; such as, wood and wood wastes, agricultural crops and wastes, or municipal and industrial wastes: "Biomass energy is the chemical energy content of non-fossil, energy-containing forms of carbon; such as, land-based and water-based vegetation, and waste materials; such as, municipal solid wastes, biosolids, forestry, and agricultural residues, and some industrial wastes."
biomass [integrated] gasification
A composite system used to convert materials of feedstock into gas fuel for an electricity-generating unit that consists of one or more gas turbines, with a portion of the required energy input provided by the exhaust heat of the turbine to increase efficiency.
biomass oil
An energy produced from materials in the form of lipids from animal fats, fish, and poultry oils, plant oils, or recycled cooking greases.
biomass resource
Any form of organic material that can be used as an energy source; such as, forest, mill, and agricultural residues, urban wood wastes, and dedicated energy crops: "A biomass resource assessment estimates the quantities of such resources available by locations and price levels."
biomass supply curve
An estimate of the quantity of natural resources that can be made available as a function of their price.
(s) (noun), biomaterials
1. The total weight of all living things in a given area: Biomaterial refers to the complete weight of the members of a biotic community, of a species population, or of a habitat, and can be a measure of total biotic productivity.
2. The total weight of the organic substance (as plankton) or organisms in a given area: Biomaterial can be measured as volume, mass (live, dead, dry, ash-free weight), or energy (calories), or as a standing crop.
3. Material that can safely be implanted into the human body and left there without causing an adverse reaction: At the hospital, the biomaterial, as a heart, can be used to save a person's life.
4. A plastic, fabric, or other material used to construct an implantable prosthesis and chosen for its biocompatibility: Dr. Smart was happy to receive the perfect biomaterial, an artificial joint, for his patient.
Someone who applies the applications of mathematical methods to the study of living organisms.

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