(s) (noun); biodetritus, biodetrita
The disintegration and decomposition of once-living organisms:
Biodetritus includes such elements as phytodetritus or zoodetritus, depending on whether the original organism was vegetable or animal.
Biodetritus involves matter that is produced by or which remains after the wearing away or disintegration of tissue or other substances from the living organisms.
1. A substitute for diesel fuel made wholly or partly from organic products, especially processed vegetable oils; such as, soybean oil and groundnut oil.
2. Any liquid biofuel suitable as a diesel fuel substitute or diesel fuel additive or extender; typically made from oils; such as, soybeans, rapeseed, or sunflowers, from animal tallow, or from agricultural byproducts including rice hulls.
3. A truck and bus fuel made from discarded restaurant cooking oil.
1. The number and variety of organisms in a given locality, community, or ecosystem at a given time.
2. In different contexts it may denote: the number of different species present in a given environment (species diversity); the genetic diversity within a species (genetic diversity); the number of different ecosystems present in a given environment (ecological diversity).
High biodiversity is typical of complex and highly productive ecosystems; such as, tropical rain forests, where a small area can contain many different species of animals, plants, and other organisms.
Biodiversity is often used as an indicator of the health of such ecosystems.
A drama based on the life of an actual person or people.
1. That part of biological science that deals with vital force, or of the action of living organisms.
2. The science dealing with the force or energy of living matter.
3. The study of how energy, motion, and other forces affect living things.
4. The scientific study of the nature and determinants of all organismic (including human) behavior.
bioecologist (s), bioecologists (pl) (noun forms)
1. A specialist who studies the relationships of organisms to their natural environments.
2. Someone who favors, or specializes, in bioecology; such as, an ecologist.
(s) (noun), bioecologies
1. The science of organisms as affected by the factors of their environments.
2. The study of the environment and life history of organisms.
3. The study of the interrelations among living organisms in their natural environment; ecology.
(adjective), more bioelectric, most bioelectric
Pertaining to an electrical phenomena produced in living organisms; such as, that which is generated by muscle and nerve tissue: There is bioelectric current within muscular and neural tissues of the body.
(s) (noun), bioelectrochemistries
The use of techniques, tools, and knowledge gained in the study of the electrochemistry and physiology of living organisms.
(s) (noun), bioelectrogeneses
The electrical production by living organisms, a phenomenon that belongs to the science of electrophysiology.
(adjective), bioelectrogenetics
A reference to the production of electricity by living organisms which usually refers to the electricity-generating ability in some aquatic creatures; such as, the electric eel, electric catfish, and to a lesser extent the black ghost knifefish.
The fish that utilize such bioelectrogenetic aspects often also possess electroreceptive abilities (which are more widespread) as part of an integrated electric system.
The bioelectrogenetic skills may be utilized for self-defense, electrocommunication, and with the stunning of prey.
(adjective), more bioelectronic, most bioelectronic
1. In medicine, a reference to the application of electronic devices to living organisms for clinical testing, diagnosis, and therapy treatment.
2. Relating to the study of electron transfer reactions as they occur in biological, or living systems.
(noun) (a plural form that functions as a singular)
1. The study of the role of intermolecular transfer of electrons in biological regulation and defense.
2. The science of electronic effects and controls of living organisms.

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