Relating to the feet of birds where the toes, or one of them, are irregular or abnormal, as certain families of birds: Heterodactyl conditions can be detected in particular birds that have the first and second toes facing backwards, and the third and fourth toes facing forwards.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Similar to "zygodactyly"; heterodactylism: The digits three and four of certain birds point forward and the digits one and two point to the back.
This is only found in "trogons" that are birds that peck holes in trees to make their nests. They are residents of tropical forests, particularly in South America.
(adjective), more heterodermatous, most heterodermatous
Pertaining to the skin or integument (outer covering or coat) of different structures in different parts of the body): The students in Mr. Snake's class learned about the
heterodermatous sections of the skin of certain fishes and serpents.
Heterodermatous parts of a body are opposite to the "homodermatous" parts of a body.
Denoting a skin graft taken from a member of another species: In medical school, Lynn learned about heterodermic grafts as skin transplants or skin grafts that have been taken from donors from other types or kinds of animals.
Referring to teeth of different kinds or forms, as most mammals: Joyed read in her book on dentistry that heterodont teeth referred to various types of teeth in a person, like incisors, canines, and molars
(s) (noun), heterodontosaurids
A "different-teeth lizard" from Early Jurassic southern Africa: Heterodontosaurids where small, early bird-hipped bipeds resembling fabrosaurids, their likely ancestors.
heterodox, heterodoxal
(adjective), more heterodoxal, most heterodoxal
Relating to a person holding opinions not in accord with some acknowledged standard; as in theology or in other matters of belief or opinion: Heterodox doctrines, opinions, etc. are not in accordance with established principles or views, or those generally recognized as right or orthodox (originally in religion and theology).
heterodoxous (
adjective, more heterodoxous, most heterodoxous
Relating to religious teachings that deviate from the official and accepted ones of the church: Mrs. Smith was hesitant to go to the church meeting with her friend because she heard that they tended towards heterodoxous doctrines that she was very sceptical about.
(s) (noun), heterodoxies
The deviation from what is considered to be orthodox; the quality or character of being heterodox: Heterodoxies are opinions or doctrines that are at variance with that which is generally received as true or right, like a heterodox opinion, a belief or doctrine that is not in agreement with what is generally accepted.
(adjective), more heterodromous, most heterodromous
Relating to the movement in different or opposite directions: Heterodromous growth can be exemplified by the rurning of stems on branches in opposite directions, like the generating spiral of a phyllotaxis.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Unequal conjoined twins: The plight of heterodymus involves the incomplete parasite, consisting of head and neck and, to some extent, the thorax, that is attached to the anterior surface of the autosite.
Relating to the combination of two different radio frequencies: Heterodyne beats are those that consist of two somewhat dissimilar frequencies joined into one. .
Regarding an organism occupying two or more different hosts at different stages of a life cycle: A heteroecious parasite of aphid is one that passes through different stages in its development on alternate and frequently on unrelated hosts.
(s) (noun), heterogametes
A gamete that belongs to one of two distinguishable types: A
heterogamete differs in shape and size ffrom the one with which it unites in fertilization:
A heterogamete is a mature reproductive cell produced by the heterogametic sex.
A gamete may fuse with another gamete of the opposite sex, to form a zygote (fertilized gamete). The male gametes are known as sperms and the female gametes as eggs.
Concerning flowers or florets of two sexually different kinds: The
heterogamous condition relates to two or more kinds of flowers which differ in regard to stamens and pistils, like in the aster.
The heterogamous succession of differently organized generations of animals or plants takes place when sexual generation alternates with parthenogenesis.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing":