heter-, hetero-
(Greek: different, other, another, unlike; irregular, abnormal)
This Greek element forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to homo-. Sometimes it is also the antonym of auto-, homoeo-, iso-, ortho-, and syn-.
heterocephalous (adjective) (not comparable)
In botany, pertaining to a composite plant bearing flower-heads or capitula: Some flower-heads of the Compositæ.are heterocephalous in that some are male and others are female.
heterochiral, heterocheiral (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to an identical form but with lateral inversion: Heterochiral formations or matching appearances can be exemplified by the right and left hands.
A heterochiral or reversed image, like a mirror image, pertains to the right and left sides, but otherwise the same in form and size, such as the feet of a person.
A heterochiral form is the opposite of a homochiral form.
heterochromatic (adjective), more heterochromatic, most heterochromatic
1. Relating to or possessing more than one color: A heterochromatic rainbow consists of many different colors, or is varicoloured.
2. Pertaining to light: Brightness that is heterochromatic has more than one wavelength.
2. Pertaining to light: Brightness that is heterochromatic has more than one wavelength.
The condition or situation of being varicoloured: The quality of heterochromatism can be exemplified by a prism, made of glass or plastic, because the various colors of light travel at different speeds within the prism
heterochrome (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to various colors: Heterochrome brightness or heterochrome photometry are both color-seensations that are related to psychological optics
1. In medicine, a difference in color between two organs: Heterochromia can occur especially in the eyes, or between different parts of the same organ, that are usually the same color.
2. An abnormal difference in coloration: Such cases of heterochromia are unusual pigmentations of coloring in the skin or hair.
2. An abnormal difference in coloration: Such cases of heterochromia are unusual pigmentations of coloring in the skin or hair.
heterochromic (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to different colors: Dr. Smith told Mary's mother that Mary had a heterochromic condition in which she had one blue and one brown eye.
heterochromous (adjective) (not comparable)
1. In botany, relating to the central little flowers of the flower head of a different colour from those of the circumference: In her garden, Susan admired the heterochromous pink parts of the composite blooms.
2. Pertaining to something in which one part has a color that is distinct from the other parts: In the art class, Mrs. Pink told her students to create a picture which had heterochromous accents of color in each part differing from the other colors.
2. Pertaining to something in which one part has a color that is distinct from the other parts: In the art class, Mrs. Pink told her students to create a picture which had heterochromous accents of color in each part differing from the other colors.
Having varying chronaxies: A heterochron refers to differing or changing minimum times an electric current needs when applied in order to stimulate the fiber or a muscle or nerve cell.
An occurrence in evolution that involves changes in the pace and timing of development: Heterochrony can produce changes in size and shape of an organism and might be the connection between genetics at one furthermost point and a natural selection at the other furthermost point of time.
Heterochronism refers to the departure from the usual sequence in the development of organs or parts in an organism.
heterochronic (adjective), more heterochronic, most heterochronic
Pertaining to something that occurs at various times or periodically: It has been said that heterochronic stages of development have taken place in the evolution of echinoderms.
In biology. in evolution, a variation from the normall sequence in the development of organs or parts; heterochrony: In Mr. Plant's biology class, the students learned about heterochronism as being the changes in stages at which processes of development are relative to members of the same species.
heterochronistic (adjective) (not comparable))
Pertaining to the variations in ontogeny of individuals of species in the process of evolution; heterochronous: Jill read about heterochronistic developments of certain animals that were involved in the course of evolution..
heterochthonous (adjective), more heterochthonous, most heterochthonous
Referring tp something or someone originating in a geographical area other than that in which it was found: An old heterochthonous coin from Spain was found in Grace's garden where she lived in Toronto.
heterocrine (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to the Secretion of more than one kind of substance and is used with reference to certain glands: The heterocrine pancreas is performs as an endocrine and as an exocrine gland.