mer-, mero-, meri-, -mer, -merous, -mere, -meric, -meristic +

(Greek: part, partial, referring to parts; segment; incomplete)

Dissection into parts, particularly the dissection of a cell, in order to study the capacity for growth and development of the separate parts.
merozoite (s) (noun), merozoites (pl)
Any protozoan cell produced by the fission of a schizont, e.g. that of the malaria protozoan: The cell of the merozoite develops in a stage in the life cycle of the malaria parasite (Plasmodium) which is formed during the asexual division of the schizont (a cell formed during the asexual phase of the life cycle of some single-celled organisms).

Merozoites are released and invade other cells.

merozygote (s) (noun), merozygotes (pl)
A bacterial mechanism of gene transfer in which part of the genome, or chromosome complement, is transferred into an intact recipient cell.
A situation in which there are many parts joined together.
Any of the units, or parts, from which a plant is developed.
Having many members, or parts, of each series of a flower.