gram-, -gram-, -gram, -grammatic, -grammatical, -grammatically, -gramme, -grammic +
(Greek: write, writing, something written, a written record, a recording; letters; words; later, a small weight, a unit of mass in the metric system)
A unit of weight in the metric system from 1797 gramme, borrowing of French gramme, from Late Latin gramma, "small weight"; from Greek gramma, "small weight"; originally, "something written"; from the stem of graphein, "to draw, to write".
1. The record or tracing made by a pneumograph.
2. A radiographic record of pneumography (a general term indicating radiography after the injection of air).
3. A record of respiratory movements in graphic.
2. A radiographic record of pneumography (a general term indicating radiography after the injection of air).
3. A record of respiratory movements in graphic.
An imprint of the sole of the foot, showing the contour and the condition of the arch, or an outline tracing.
A reference to an imprint of the sole of the foot, showing the contour and the condition of the arch, or an outline tracing.
A figure or design consisting of many lines.
1. The written results monitored by equipment that tests the physiological activity of a person while sleeping: "Dr. Black looked at the polysomnogram which showed the results of Sally's body functions while she was sleeping and told her to stay home and to take her medicine and rest."
2. Etymology: from Greek poly-, "much, many" + Latin somnus, "sleep" + Greek gram, "written, recorded".
2. Etymology: from Greek poly-, "much, many" + Latin somnus, "sleep" + Greek gram, "written, recorded".
1. A formal set of procedures for conducting an activity.
2. To express (a task or operation) in terms appropriate to its performance by a computer or other automatic device; to cause (an activity or property) to be automatically regulated in a prescribed way.
2. To express (a task or operation) in terms appropriate to its performance by a computer or other automatic device; to cause (an activity or property) to be automatically regulated in a prescribed way.
programmable (adjective) (not comparable)
An apparatus or an operation that is capable of being instructed to do something automatically: Virginia's new washing machine is programmable with different cycles for different kinds of clothes to be washed.
Predetermined or controlled by a program.
1. One who arranges something according to a program.
2. One who writes computer programs.
3. A device that automatically controls the operation of something in accordance with a prescribed program.
2. One who writes computer programs.
3. A device that automatically controls the operation of something in accordance with a prescribed program.
programming a tag
1. Writing data to an RFID tag.
2. Adding to or altering the information in a tag.
This is sometimes called "commissioning a tag".
A chart depicting personality characteristics.
A radiogram (x-ray) of the lungs.
The recording of the movements and size of the pupils of the eyes.
1. An x-ray study of the kidney especially showing the pelvis (urine-collecting basin) of the kidney and the ureter.
2. An x-ray of the urine-collecting part of the kidney.
2. An x-ray of the urine-collecting part of the kidney.
The x-ray is taken after the introduction of a contrast medium either into the bloodstream or directly into the kidney in order to highlight the internal structures.
Quotes: Grammar
Grammarians should be aware: grammar quotes.
Related "writing" word units:
scrib-, script-.