gram-, -gram-, -gram, -grammatic, -grammatical, -grammatically, -gramme, -grammic +

(Greek: write, writing, something written, a written record, a recording; letters; words; later, a small weight, a unit of mass in the metric system)

A unit of weight in the metric system from 1797 gramme, borrowing of French gramme, from Late Latin gramma, "small weight"; from Greek gramma, "small weight"; originally, "something written"; from the stem of graphein, "to draw, to write".

—Compiled from information located in;
The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology; Robert K. Barnhart, Editor;
The H.W. Wilson Company; New York; 1988; page 445.
A record of the heart sounds made by means of a phonocardiograph (an instrument, utilizing microphones, amplifiers, and filters, for graphically recording the heart sounds, which are displayed on an oscilloscope or analog tracing).
1. A graphic curve depicting the duration and intensity of a sound.
2. A written character or symbol representing a spoken sound; as in shorthand.
3. The tracing produced by a phonoautograph.
4. A telegram that the sender dictates over the telephone.
An acoustic recording of skeletal muscular activity.
A graphic recording obtained from a phonocatheter of the pulsations in a renal artery. This procedure, designed to diagnose renal artery stenosis, is rarely employed.
A photographic image produced without a camera, usually by placing an object on or near a piece of film or light-sensitive paper and exposing it to light.
A written character or symbol representing a phrase; specifically in phonography or other shorthand system, a conventional combination of signs or letters standing for a phrase.
The curve or tracing made by a phrenograph.
A metric unit of mass equal to 10-12 gram or one millionth of a microgram.
picopicogram, ppg
A unit of mass or weight equal to 10-24 grams.
1. Images representing things or ideas rather than words.
2. A symbol which is a picture that represents an object or concept; such as, a picture of an envelope used to represent an e-mail message.

Pictograms are common in everyday life; such as, signs in public places or roads; whereas the term icon is specific to interfaces on computers or other electronic devices.

A graphic tracing of variation in pressure caused by the heart's pulsation, often recorded through the esophagus.
plethysmogram (s) (noun), plethysmograms (pl)
A record or tracing produced by a plethysmograph (an instrument for measuring changes in volume of a part, or organ, or whole body; usually, resulting from fluctuations in the amount of blood it contains).
pneumarthrogram (s) (noun), pneumarthrogram (pl)
Film records of the radiographic examinations of a joint following the introduction of air, with or without another contrast medium: The X-ray technician was an expert at explaining the complexities to Owen of the pneumarthrograms which revealed the extent of the injuries to his foot.
pneumatogram (s) (noun), pneumatograms (pl)
1. A diagram or tracing of the movements of the chest in respiration: Following Sharon's examination, Dr. Mount obtained the pneumatogram by means of a pneumatograph or stethograph.
2. A message sent by pneumatic dispatch: Mr. Green read the pneumatogram with the vital information, that was sent to him by the pneumatic communication system.

Related "writing" word units: glypto-; graph-; scrib-, script-.