phago-, phag-, -phage, -phagi, -phagic, -phagically, -phagia, -phagism, -phagist, -phagic, -phagous, -phagy
(Greek: eat, eating; to consume, to ingest; relationship to eating or consumption by ingestion or engulfing)
An apparatus for measuring the force exerted in chewing food.
A study is being made with a phagodynamometer to determine the physical force used while chewing food.

A specialist in eating and the study of eating or ingesting foods.
1. The study of eating, consuming, or feeding.
2. Dietetic studies.
2. Dietetic studies.
The destruction of phagocytes.
1. An insatiable hunger or craving for food, or an obsessive preoccupation with the subject of eating: George has a passion or a phagomania for eating large quantities of various kinds of food.
2. Etymology: from Greek phago, "to eat" + -mania, "compulsion, obsession; madness."

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2. Etymology: from Greek phago, "to eat" + -mania, "compulsion, obsession; madness."

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An abnormal or irrational apprehension of eating or swallowing: After little Tommy gagged on some pieces of meat he was having for lunch, he developed phagophobia because he was afraid of choking and throwing up again and had severe difficulties with taking in nourishment.
Autotrophic algae or algae that is capable of securing its own food: Phagoplankton are actively able to get their own nutrients from inorganic substances, for example by using light, as opposed to being parasitic.
The treatment of an illness with specific kinds of food.
An organism that obtains nutrients through the ingestion of solid organic matter. This class of organism includes all animals from the simplest, single-celled animal (for example, the protozoa) to the higher life forms. Organisms have some type of device to ingest particles, a digestive system, and a system to discard waste products; the opposite of osmotroph.
1. Eating particles of food; feeding by ingestion; engulfing food (no fungus does this).
2. Organisms that feed by ingesting particulate organic carbon or intact cells.
2. Organisms that feed by ingesting particulate organic carbon or intact cells.
phagotrophic, phagotroph, phagotrophy
1. Feeding by ingesting organic particulate matter.
2. A reference to cells in the blood or body fluid that ingest foreign particles.
2. A reference to cells in the blood or body fluid that ingest foreign particles.
An animal that feeds on decaying or dead tissue: Vultures, a type a bird, is a phagozoite that maintains its existence by consuming carrion, which is lifeless or putrefying flesh.
A rare term that refers to the suppression and/or liquidation of those whose personalities and convictions are incompatible with or nonconforming to existing authoritarian standards.
Eating lice.
phycophage, phycophagous, phycophagy
The consumption of seaweed or algae; especially, in a food chain.
Related "eat, eating" word units: brycho-; esculent-; esophago-; glutto-; vor-.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; carno-; cibo-; esculent-; sitio-; tropho-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.