
(Greek: steersman, pilot, helmsman; to steer, guide, govern, governor; computer-mediated electronic communications)

The “art of governing” a derivative of Greek kubernete, “steersman, governor”, from kuberman, “steer”, source of the English word govern.
cybersquat (verb), cybersquats; cybersquatted; cybersquatting
Registering a well-known brand or company name as an internet domain appellation in the hope of selling it at a later date: He tried to cybersquat several domain designations with well-known company brands with the intention of selling them to those organizations.
cybersquatter (s) (noun), cybersquatters (pl)
A person who registers internet domain names; for example,, ibm.firm, and; in the hope of later selling them to the appropriate owners for a profit: When Ronald saw that the company did not have a certain domain with that company's appellation in it, he acquired it, tried to sell it to the firm, and was accused of being a cybersquatter by the company's lawyer.
cybersquatting (s) (noun)
1. Organizational domain names that have been purchased with the intentions of selling them to those institutions for a profit: The cybersquatting of the past has decreased because such cybersquatters were often forced to give up the precincts as a result of legal actions.
2. Registering an internet domain identification only for the purpose of selling it for a profit: The practice of obtaining and holding an internet ownership name that uses a company's registered trademark designation is considered cybersquatting and can result in legal action against the cybersquatter.
cyberstalking (s) (noun), cyberstalkings (pl)
A system used by someone who attempts to gain the trust of another person, or people, in chat rooms or by e-mail with the purpose of eventually making illegal demands of the victims: Janice had an experience with a guy who was using cyberstalking so he could get her banking information in order to transfer money from her account into a foreign account.
cyberstore (noun), cybershop (s), cyberstores, cybershops (pl)
An on-line shopping source: Cyberstores are websites that conveniently sell or provide information about retail goods or services.
cybersurfer (s) (noun), cybersurfers (pl)
People who spend a great deal of time using the internet: Many cybersurfers spend hours on their computers looking for information or visiting blogs and social networks.
cybertech (adjective), more cybertech, most cybertech
The science that is concerned with the principles of exchanging information and controls, particularly as applied to the operations of computer programs: Most cybertech applications include the functions of computer sites, operational procedures, etc.
cybertechnology (s) (noun), cybertechnologies (pl)
Computer technology; including programming, usage, etc. on and off the internet: Cybertechnology is considered by some to be a stand-alone or computer network capable of some form of computing and correspondence which may involve the internet or cyberspace.
cyberterrorism (s) (noun)
The use of electronic techniques that interrupt or damage computer systems or data in order to cause fear, injury, or economic loss: When people use cyberterrorism, their objectives are to damage internet sites or to destroy computer systems for political, personal, or other reasons.
cyberterrorist (s) (noun), cyberterrorists (pl)
Anyone who uses the internet to commit terrorist activities; including, acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks: There are cyberterrorists who attack personal computers with disruptive viruses.

Unknown cyberterrorists have gained access to the e-mails and financial details of customers of banks and there have been threats of harm or severe disorder of infrastructures; such as, electrical power.

cybervexillology, cybervex (s) (noun); cybervexillologies, cybervexes (pl)
Flag research and/or publications of flag information by using electronics; particularly, the internet or other electronic delivery systems: There are many cybervexillologies presented on the setup joining computers in every part of the world for those who have a fascination about pieces of fabric, usually rectangular, with a special design on it and used as a symbol, and who enjoy learning about their history and international developments and symbolisms.

Hank's web site emphasized content about cybervexes and their related ensign knowledge.

cyberwar (s) (noun), cyberwars (pl)
1. Using electronic methods to knock out the command systems of a military enemy: Cyberwar involves the disruption or destruction of information and correspondence methods, broadly defined to include even military culture, upon which an adversary relies in order to know itself; that is, who it is, what it can do, when it can do it, and which threats to counter first.
2. Conducting, or preparing to conduct, military operations according to information-related principles: In cyberwars, there is an effort to know everything about one's opponent while keeping that enemy from knowing about the technical invasion.
cyberwarfare (s) (noun), cyberwarfares (pl)
Actions by a nation-state to penetrate another country's computers or networks in order to cause damage or disruptions: Cyberwarfare is considered to be an "information war" and it is utilized for attacking and defending information and computer connections in cyberspace.
cyberzine (s) (noun), cyberzines (pl)
Online publications of magazines: Many large print-publishers provide digital cyberzines of their printed titles for paid subscriptions through various online services.

Cyberzines also deliver their publications of such digital format products as "online magazines", and sometimes as "digital magazines".

cyborg (s) (noun), cyborgs (pl)
1. A fictional being that is part human and part robot; or a human body, or other organism, whose functions are taken over in part by electromechanical devices: A cyborg is both a machine and man, and exists as a result of the social desire to develop new technologies and the willingness to test some ideas from the wildest imaginations of some people.
2. Etymology: the word cyborg was formed in about 1962 from the English elements cyb(ernetic) + org(anism).