stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
staged (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Deliberately intended or made suitable in advance: The staged car accident was put on the news that evening saying that the operation was rigged so as to cheat the insurance into paying for the accident.
2. Planned for a theater performance: The book was very good, so James was excited to see the staged presentation in town the following week.
2. Planned for a theater performance: The book was very good, so James was excited to see the staged presentation in town the following week.
1. A scaffolding which is used only for a short time: The platforms, or stagings, at the theater provided the workers enough support to repair the lighting needed for the ceiling for the performance that night.
2. The enterprise of operating, managing, and running stagecoaches: Sam decided to go into staging in the ghost town for the tourists who go there regularly on holiday.
3. The styling of a piece of property for sale: The staging of a home to make it look more attractive has become a real vogue in some countries and can help an owner to sell his or her house at a higher price than otherwise.
4. The process of putting on a play or drama on stage: The originality and dramatic staging of the show impressed the audience so much that they gave the actors a standing ovation!
2. The enterprise of operating, managing, and running stagecoaches: Sam decided to go into staging in the ghost town for the tourists who go there regularly on holiday.
3. The styling of a piece of property for sale: The staging of a home to make it look more attractive has become a real vogue in some countries and can help an owner to sell his or her house at a higher price than otherwise.
4. The process of putting on a play or drama on stage: The originality and dramatic staging of the show impressed the audience so much that they gave the actors a standing ovation!
stagnant (adjective); more stagnant, most stagnant
1. Referring to inactivity and of dullness and sluggishness: The seaside resort becomes a stagnant area when the tourists leave and go back home.
2. Relating to a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space that has no current or flow and often has an unpleasant smell as a consequence: A stagnant condition involves the lack of freshness or movement.
3. Etymology: from Latin stagnantem, "not running or forming a pool of standing water", from the verb stagnare, from stagnum, "pool".

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2. Relating to a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space that has no current or flow and often has an unpleasant smell as a consequence: A stagnant condition involves the lack of freshness or movement.
3. Etymology: from Latin stagnantem, "not running or forming a pool of standing water", from the verb stagnare, from stagnum, "pool".

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staid (adjective); staider, staidest
Dignified and serious in habit or behavior, and even boring: Charles was considered to be a solemn and staid member of the company's administrative staff.
The politician had a staid manner when he was asked personal questions about his family.
The male part of a flower that yields pollen: The stamina are in the center of a blossom and consist of filaments and anthers, which look like delicate and fine stalks.
A persistence, either mentally or physically, to achieve an objective: Charles has showed a lot of stamina in studying German over the years in order to be qualified to teach it when he becomes a member of the faculty of a school.

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staminal (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning the male producing part of a flower: In Jerry's biology class at school, the students were required to find all the plants on their street with a staminal center and take photos of them.
staminate (adjective); more staminate, most staminate
Referring to flowers that have a reproductive structure, but without the pistils: Male staminate blossoms are able to perform the fertilization process.
1. The way a person or animal stands: All the runners' stances or positioning at the competition showed that they were ready to start running as soon as the signal was given.
2. The opinion or standpoint an individual has on a certain matter or situation: Mr. Straight, the new principal at the high school, has a definite stance on the matter of teenagers smoking on the school grounds.
3. The place where taxis or buses wait: While traveling in Scotland, Jenny and Jill found a stance where they could go back to their hostel by cab.
4. The foothold or ledge where a belay can be secured: The hikers used the stance to fasten their ropes for safety while hiking up the mountain side.
2. The opinion or standpoint an individual has on a certain matter or situation: Mr. Straight, the new principal at the high school, has a definite stance on the matter of teenagers smoking on the school grounds.
3. The place where taxis or buses wait: While traveling in Scotland, Jenny and Jill found a stance where they could go back to their hostel by cab.
4. The foothold or ledge where a belay can be secured: The hikers used the stance to fasten their ropes for safety while hiking up the mountain side.
stance (verb), stances; stanced; stancing
To put an animal into an enclosure in advance of selling it: Jessica stanced her cow in a pen at the outdoor market in order to offer it for the best price she could get.
1. A vertical support or post: The stanchions the workers installed were too feeble and didn't hold up the building properly.
2. A structure of such posts utilized to enclose cattle: The stanchions using horizontally strung wire to contain the cows were put up the year before and needed to be repaired.
2. A structure of such posts utilized to enclose cattle: The stanchions using horizontally strung wire to contain the cows were put up the year before and needed to be repaired.
stanchion (verb), stanchions; stanchioned; stanchioning
1. To put up vertical poles or bars: The beams were stanchioned correctly so that the construction would last a long time.
2. To confine, usually cattle, by using upright posts: Poles were used in the enclosure to stanchion the herd of cows on the farm.
2. To confine, usually cattle, by using upright posts: Poles were used in the enclosure to stanchion the herd of cows on the farm.
1. The position or stance one has about a certain thing: The students in class took a stand on saving the environment and decided to go on strike every Friday.
2. A stall or small shop, usually outside: At the Christmas Market there were many stands selling drinks, items made of wood, and knitted articles.
3. A large structure at a sports field with tiered seats for people to sit and view the proceedings: The people in the stands at the baseball game were all cheering when their team hit a home run!
4. A support for holding something particular: Little Timmy used the book stand to keep his math book upright and open for doing his homework for school.
5. The section or place where buses or taxis stop and wait for passengers: Jackie went to the cab stand after arriving at the train station.
6. The place in a court where a witness must be to answer questions: When Jane took the stand, she confirmed the evidence already given by the other witnesses.
2. A stall or small shop, usually outside: At the Christmas Market there were many stands selling drinks, items made of wood, and knitted articles.
3. A large structure at a sports field with tiered seats for people to sit and view the proceedings: The people in the stands at the baseball game were all cheering when their team hit a home run!
4. A support for holding something particular: Little Timmy used the book stand to keep his math book upright and open for doing his homework for school.
5. The section or place where buses or taxis stop and wait for passengers: Jackie went to the cab stand after arriving at the train station.
6. The place in a court where a witness must be to answer questions: When Jane took the stand, she confirmed the evidence already given by the other witnesses.
stand (verb), stands; stood; standing
1. To support oneself in an upright and vertical position: The people outside the theater had been standing for at least 30 minutes before they were let in to buy their tickets.
2. To change ones posture by getting up and being erect: Because the concert was so fantastic, the audience stood up and applauded shouting, "Encore, encore!"
3. To have a building or structure of some kind in an upright position: The new chair is standing next to the table in the living room.
4. To put something somewhere in a vertical manner: Jane's mother asked her to stand the vase with the flowers on the dining room table.
5. To leave a solution or mixture alone without shifting or disturbing it in any way: The yeast dough needs to be covered and stand in a warm room for at least an hour to rise properly.
6. To continue to exist by not being cancelled or changed: Some of the rules in school still stand and are valid, although they are already a few years old.
7. To be good enough to pass a situation or a test: Jane asked, "Do you think that the new school bag can stand the wear and tear of everyday school life, including going by bus every day to and from school?"
2. To change ones posture by getting up and being erect: Because the concert was so fantastic, the audience stood up and applauded shouting, "Encore, encore!"
3. To have a building or structure of some kind in an upright position: The new chair is standing next to the table in the living room.
4. To put something somewhere in a vertical manner: Jane's mother asked her to stand the vase with the flowers on the dining room table.
5. To leave a solution or mixture alone without shifting or disturbing it in any way: The yeast dough needs to be covered and stand in a warm room for at least an hour to rise properly.
6. To continue to exist by not being cancelled or changed: Some of the rules in school still stand and are valid, although they are already a few years old.
7. To be good enough to pass a situation or a test: Jane asked, "Do you think that the new school bag can stand the wear and tear of everyday school life, including going by bus every day to and from school?"
1. A level of accepted achievement or quality: Jane dreamed of having a high standard of living if she could ever earn enough money at her job.
2. The guideline used to judge the value or calibre of something: Over the years the standards set for correcting and grading tests in school were revised in order to make it easier for the students to achieve better grades in their subjects.
3. The moral principle which influences one's behavior or point of view: Tim's parents always had high moral standards and ideals and expected them of their children as well.
4. A basis or comparison in measuring the capacity of something: The standards for the amount of ingredients for Lucy's cake were determined by the specified cups and spoons that she used.
2. The guideline used to judge the value or calibre of something: Over the years the standards set for correcting and grading tests in school were revised in order to make it easier for the students to achieve better grades in their subjects.
3. The moral principle which influences one's behavior or point of view: Tim's parents always had high moral standards and ideals and expected them of their children as well.
4. A basis or comparison in measuring the capacity of something: The standards for the amount of ingredients for Lucy's cake were determined by the specified cups and spoons that she used.
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.