ortho-, orth-

(Greek: right, straight, correct, true; designed to correct)

An instrument for determining the relative protrusion of the eyeballs.
1. The art or practice of constructing verses correctly.
2. The laws of correct versification.
1. Concerning the maintenance of optimal quantities of bodily substances.
2. Indicating the normal chemical constituents of the body or the restoration of those constituents to normalcy.
orthomolecular therapy
The treatment of disease based on the theory that restoration of optimal concentrations of substances normally present in the body; such as, vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids, will bring about a cure.
The surgical and mechanical correction of structural deformities.
1. Relating to, or referring to, a map or chart on which small shapes or areas are accurately represented.
2. Preserving the correct shape.
orthomorphic projection
A map projection in which a small area is rendered in its true shape.
The correct form.
Any of the family of viruses including the viruses of influenza.
orthopantograph (s) (noun), orthopantographs (pl)
A device that makes images of the entire dentition, alveolar bone, and other structures of the body on a single extraoral or outside the mouth film.
orthopathy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Alternative medical treatment based on the theory that diseases can be cured or prevented without drugs: Advocates of orthopathy believe that with dieting with raw foods and fasting now and then is a healthy lifestyle to follow.
orthopedic, orthopaedic (adjective), more orthopedic, most orthopedic; more orthopaedic, most orthopaedic
1. Relating to or concerned with the cure of deformities in children, or of bodily deformities in general: Orthopedic health issues relate to problems affecting a person's joints and spine.
2. Concerning a special bed in a ward for those people with disorders of the bones, joints, and associated muscles: An orthopedic bed is normally one individually designed to relieve specific skeletal symptoms and generally with a very firm mattress or board.

It also refers to orthopedic bedding, divan, etc.
3. Pertaining to special footwear designed to ease or to correct deformities of the feet: Dr. Toe told Raymond that he needed orthopedic shoes to relieve pain in his feet and to correct the disorder in his arches.

orthopedics, orthopaedics (British)
1. The branch of surgery which is concerned with the correction of skeletal and spinal deformities; especially, in children.
2. The medical specialty dealing with the preservation, restoration, and development of the functions of the skeletal system of the body, its articulations, and associated structures.
orthopedist, orthopaedist (s) (noun): orthopedists; orthopaedists (pl)
1. A specialist who cures deformities or disorders of the bones, joints, ligaments, or muscles: The orthopedist surgeon was the doctor who performed a successful operation on Jack's knee.
2. Etymology: originally from Greek paideia, "child rearing"; applied specifically to childhood bone disorders.

The art, or practice, of curing the deformities of children; or, by extension, any deformities of the human body.