ortho-, orth-

(Greek: right, straight, correct, true; designed to correct)

Concerning the effects on the heart after assuming an upright posture.
1. The correct alignment of the joint between the arm and hand, made up of eight bones.
2. The proper condition of the wrist.
3. There is also the Orthocarpus, a genus of 25 species of annual wildflowers (Scrophulariaceae) native to western North and South America.

They grow to fifteen inches, with alternate leaves and spikes of yellow, cream-colored, crimson, or purple clover-like flowers. Used in meadow gardens or wild gardens. Commonly known as "owl's clover".

The point at which the three altitudes of a triangle intersect.
orthocephalic, orthocephalous, orthocephaly
Having a well-proportioned head in which the ratio between the vertical and transverse diameters is from 70 to 75.
The state of having lips which are of average shape and prominence.
1. A form of chorea (disease characterized by progressive loss of neuronal functioning) in which the spasms occur only, or chiefly, when the patient is an erect posture.
2. A form of random involuntary movement generally involving the hands and feet that occurs only when the person is standing up.
1. In photography, maintaining natural relations of light and shade; especially, by the use of films or plates treated to give correct values to the reds, greens, blues, and yellows.
2. Having normal staining characteristics; such as, orthochromatic film, a photographic film that responds to colors in their normal brightness as seen by the eye.
3. Relating to, or producing, true tone values of light and shade in a photograph that correspond to the tones in nature.
orthochronology (s) (noun), orthochronologies (pl)
In geology, a geochronology that is based on a standard biostratigraphical succession of significant faunas or floras, or on irreversible evolutionary processes: Dr. Smart did research in the area of orthochronology to find out more about animals and plants in the irreversible process of evolution.
A physiologic mechanism in the body which ensures that the administration of drugs or the ingestion of food substances will not alter the body's homeostasis (a state of equilibrium or a tendency to reach equilibrium, either metabolically within a cell or organism or socially and psychologically within an individual or group).
The absence of any nucleated erythrocyte precursors in human blood; that is, the normal condition.
Characterized by straight fingers or toes.
Tubular dentin (hard tissue of the tooth surrounding the central core of nerves and blood vessels or pulp), as seen in human teeth.
Decreased arterial oxygen concentration while in an upright position.

The condition improves when the patient assumes the supine position or is lying face up.

A recording of the outlines and positions of organs or foreign bodies that are seen by a radiographic apparatus.
A radiographic device for recording the size and shape of internal organs without the distortion of ordinary roentgenography (X-rays).