odonto-, odont-, odon-, -odont, -odonic, -odontic, -odontia, -odontoid; -dont, -donts, -dontia, -dontic, -dontoid

(Greek: tooth, teeth)

pedodontics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The branch of dentistry concerned with the dental care and treatment of children: Because Tom had studied pedodontics and had his own dental clinic, he had lots of young patients, sometimes with very bad teeth, but he always told them to take very good care of their teeth!
pedodontist, pediadontist (s) (noun); pedodontists; pediadontists (pl)
A dentist who practices dentistry that deals with children's teeth: Dr. Small, Tim's pedodontist, told Tim to open up his mouth so he could check his teeth for any possible cavities.
pedodontistry (s) (noun), pedodontistries (pl)
The care and treatment of children's teeth: Part of Paul's instruction in dental school involved pedodontistry dealing with various teeth disorders of youngsters, how to treat them, and possible prevention methods of such disorders.
pedodontology, pediadontology (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the care of children's teeth; paediatric dentistry: Since Clive's mother loved children, she decided to finish her studies in pedodontology and set up her own dental clinic for treating and caring for the teeth of youngers.
1. Relating to or involving or practicing periodontics; literally, around the tooth.
2. A reference to or affecting tissues and structures surrounding and supporting the teeth.

Periodontal diseases are bacterial infections that destroy the attachment fibers and supporting bone that hold the teeth in the mouth. Left untreated, these diseases can lead to tooth loss.

The main cause of periodontal disease is a bacterial plaque, a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on teeth.

The branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the gums and other structures around the teeth.
Relating to or involving or practicing periodontics.
periodontics (s)
The branch of dentistry concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the gums and supporting structures of the teeth.
periodontist (s), periodontists (pl)
A specialist in the placement and maintenance of dental implants.
Inflammation around the tooth or teeth.

Periodontitis and all periodontal diseases are bacterial infections that destroy the attachment fibers and supporting bone that hold the teeth in the mouth.

Left untreated, these diseases can lead to tooth loss. The main cause of periodontal disease is a bacterial plaque, a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on teeth.

The branch of dentistry that deals with the scientific study of the structures and functions of the periodontium in health and disease; broader in scope than periodontics, which is limited to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of periodontal disease, although the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably.
The presence of supernumerary teeth or an excessive number of teeth.
This nomenclature (“many-toothed lizard”) is no longer recognized by scientists because they found that it described an animal that was previously given another name which is Stenonychosaurus. Named by U. S. paleontologist Charles Whitney Gilmore in 1932.
Developing several sets of teeth successively throughout life as with sharks and certain teleost fish (bony fish with rayed fins).

Related "tooth, teeth" word units: bruxo-; dento-.