odonto-, odont-, odon-, -odont, -odonic, -odontic, -odontia, -odontoid; -dont, -donts, -dontia, -dontic, -dontoid

(Greek: tooth, teeth)

hypsodont (adjective)
Characterized by having high-crowned teeth and enamel which extends past the gum line that have more tooth material for chewing: "Some animals with hypsodont dentition includes cows, horses, and deer and all animals that feed on fibrous materials."

"Mammals that feed on abrasive substances are subject to rapid wear on their teeth; so, many of these species have especially high-crowned or hypsodont teeth providing lots of extra material for wear."

A fossil tooth of a fish.
isodont, isodontous
1. Possessing all teeth of the same size and shape.
2. Of a snake, having maxillary teeth of the same size.
3. In zoology, having the teeth all alike, as some cetaceans.
1. A genus of very large fossil amphibians, of the Triassic period, having bony plates on the under side of the body.
2. Etymology: literally "labyrinth-toothed".

It is from the order Labyrinthodonta which is also known as Mastodonsaurus.

The existence of very slender teeth.
leukodont, leukodontia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The state of having white teeth: Cathy's dentist, Dr. Hathaway, told her that her teeth were very good and to continue to take care of the condition of leukodont.
lophodont (adjective)
Teeth that have elongated ridges called lophs that run between cusps: "The molars and premolars of tapir (Tapiridae), manatees (Trichechidae), and many rodents have lophodont teeth."
lophodonty (s), lophodonties (pl) (nouns)
Teeth that have elongated ridges called lophs that run between the cusps of the teeth: "Extreme lophodonty is seen in modern elephants (Elephantidae) and some rodents."
loxodont (s), loxodonts (pl) (nouns)
Having molar teeth with shallow depressions between the ridges: "Loxodonts are teeth that look like an old-fashioned washboard."
Slanted teeth or teeth that have shallow depressions between the ridges.
Having crests on the molar teeth that connect three of the tubercles (rounded projecting parts or outgrowths) and with the fourth or posterior inner tubercle being rudimentary or absent.
1. Having large teeth.
2. Characterized by macrodontia, as with a macrodont animal.

Related "tooth, teeth" word units: bruxo-; dento-.