mono-, mon-
(Greek: one, alone, single; a number used as a prefix)
It must be accompanied by another electrode as a reference.
A legal term.
2. To demand or take all of something, such as someone's time, attention, or affection: Little Jimmy loved swinging in the garden and didn't let his sister swing at all and therefore he monopolized the swing completely!

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By definition, monopoly is characterized by an absence of competition; which sometimes results in high prices and inferior products."
2. A product or service whose supply is controlled by only one company and which has an exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices: "Several governments attempt to prevent commercial monopolies from existing through the use of antitrust laws.3. In law, a legal right to the exclusive control of an industry or service, as granted by a government: "A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service."
"Public monopolies are set up by governments to provide essential services; such as, water, electricity, police services, garbage collecting, etc.; so, in such cases, a monopoly is probably more effcient than an oligopoly or multiopoly would be."
4. A law or a situation in which one supplier or producer controls over one third of a market: "Naturally, there are gray areas which take, for example, the granting of patents on new inventions. These provide a monopoly on a product for a set period of time.""The reasoning behind patents is to give innovators some time to recoup what are often large research and development costs. In theory, they are a way of using monopolies to promote innovation."
2. When capitalized, a board game developed in the 1930s involving money, purchase of property, etc.: The family decided to play Monopoly after dinner.
One advantage of a polypoly, or polyopoly, market situation is the limited possibility of a monopoly developing among the buyers or sellers.
2. A market situation in which the products or services of several sellers is sought by just one buyer.
3. A market in which goods or services are offered by several sellers but there is only one buyer.
4. A condition in which there is only one buyer for the product of a large number of sellers.
5. Etymology: from Ancient Greek ????? (monos), "single" + ?????? (opsonia), "purchase".
2. An impulsive single act without an apparent motive.