mono-, mon-
(Greek: one, alone, single; a number used as a prefix)
monophilous (adjective) (not comparable)
In biology, concerning an organism that dwells and thrives in pastures: Monophilous animals that do well living in a pasture can be goats, horses, and domestic antelope and elk!
1. An extreme angst or morbid dread of being left alone or of being in an isolated place: Mildred suffered from monophobia after her husband died and there were no other family members from whom she could get any help or have companionship, especially since she was living up in the mountains with no neighbors.
2. A special fear of just one thing: Manfred had a monophobia about falling down the steps whenever he had to use them, so he always made sure he had a hand on the railing when going up or down the stairway. His monophobia was based on what happened to his uncle when he stumbled down the steps to his basement and broke his neck.

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2. A special fear of just one thing: Manfred had a monophobia about falling down the steps whenever he had to use them, so he always made sure he had a hand on the railing when going up or down the stairway. His monophobia was based on what happened to his uncle when he stumbled down the steps to his basement and broke his neck.

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A melody for one voice, or musical instrument; especially, if unaccompanied.
A single vowel sound; such as, the a in father.
Monophysite (s), Monophysites (pl)
1. Someone who believes that Jesus Christ has a single inseparable nature that is both human and divine.
2. An adherent of the doctrine that in the person of Jesus there was but a single, divine nature. Coptic and Syrian Christians profess this doctrine.
2. An adherent of the doctrine that in the person of Jesus there was but a single, divine nature. Coptic and Syrian Christians profess this doctrine.
The belief that that Jesus Christ has a single inseparable nature that is both human and divine.
A Christian heresy of the 5th and 6th centuries that challenged the orthodox definition of the two natures (human and divine) in Jesus and instead believed there was a single divine nature.
1. The inability to move a single limb or a single group of muscles.
2. Paralysis of a limb.
2. Paralysis of a limb.
A reference to or characterized by monoplegia.
monopod, monopode, monopodium
1. Having just one foot.
2. A creature having only one foot; specifically, one of a race of men fabled to have only one foot, with which they shaded themselves from the heat of the sun .
2. A creature having only one foot; specifically, one of a race of men fabled to have only one foot, with which they shaded themselves from the heat of the sun .

In medicine, a malformation in which only one foot is externally recognizable.
In medicine, a reference to a malformation in which only one foot is
externally recognizable.