lox-, loxo- +

(Greek: slanting, oblique)

loxarthron, loxarthrosis (s) (noun); loxarthrons, loxarthroses (pl)
An oblique developmental deformity of a bodily joint without dislocation of the bones involved: Doug found it difficult to move his wrist in a comfortable range of motion because of the loxarthron caused by a thickening of the bone that deformed the wrist structure.
A wry neck, a contracted state of the cervical muscles, producing twisting of the neck and an unnatural position of the head.
Loxia curvirostra
A bird; for example, the finch, with a bill whose tips cross when closed.
A variety of orthoclase occurring in grayish-white or yellowish crystals.

Orthoclase is a common white or pink mineral of the feldspar group (group of minerals characterized by two cleavages at nearly right angles), having two good cleavages at right angles, and found in silica-rich igneous rocks which is used in the manufacture of porcelain.

A device to show how the inclination of the earth's axis causes the day length to vary from season to season.
Oblique displacement of the pregnant uterus.
A device for recording ship's oblique course or to record a ship's travels.
loxodont (s), loxodonts (pl) (nouns)
Having molar teeth with shallow depressions between the ridges: "Loxodonts are teeth that look like an old-fashioned washboard."
Slanted teeth or teeth that have shallow depressions between the ridges.
1. A line on a globe equally oblique to all meridians.
2. A rhumb line or curve on the surface of a sphere intersecting all meridians at the same angle.

An example includes the course of a ship or aircraft following a constant compass direction.

3. The path followed by a ship or an aircraft which maintains a constant course with a compass.
Relating to a map in which the rhumb lines (steady courses along one compass setting taken by a ship or aircraft) appear straight, or to the rhumb lines on such a map.
A reference to sailing on loxodromes or oblique lines on a map.
1. Sailing on loxodromes or oblique lines on a map.
2. The art of oblique sailing.
1. The art of oblique sailing.
2. The study of sailing along rhumb-lines (course along the surface of a sphere crossing successive meridians at the same angle).
Having crests on the molar teeth that connect three of the tubercles (rounded projecting parts or outgrowths) and with the fourth or posterior inner tubercle being rudimentary or absent.