hystero-, hyster-, hysteri- +
(Greek: the womb or uterus; hysteria)
"Hysteric disturbances", that most frequently occur in women were ascribed erroneously by ancient Greeks to the influence of the womb and were, for this reason, called hysteria, "disease of the womb".
This hestero- unit is not related to a similarly spelled hysteres- unit of words referring to "shortcoming, deficiency; to be behind, to come late, to lag; later".
Plastic surgery of the neck of the uterus.
Surgical repair of a lacerated neck of the uterus.
Incision of the neck of the uterus.
hysterotraumatic (adjective)
A reference to the symptoms resulting from a severe injury in which people are unable to control their emotions or behavior: "The soldier had difficulty adapting to the hysterotraumatic wounds that he was experiencing after his military vehicle was blown up by a roadside bomb in Iraq."
Excessive or uncontrollable emotions associated with a severe injury: "As a result of the automobile accident, the young girl was experiencing several hysterotraumatisms that were often expressed at night when she cried out because of the nightmares or terrifying and deeply upsetting dreams she was experiencing."
Removal of the uterus and ovaries through an incision in the abdominal wall.
An abdominal hysteropexy; the fixation of a displaced uterus by a surgical operation.
Removal of uterus and adnexa (uterine tubes and ovaries) through an abdominal incision.
An abdominal hysterotomy; or a laparotomy with incision of the uterus.
The total excision of the uterus, cervix, and the fallopian tubes.
The excision, or surgical removal, of the uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes.