hystero-, hyster-, hysteri- +

(Greek: the womb or uterus; hysteria)

"Hysteric disturbances", that most frequently occur in women were ascribed erroneously by ancient Greeks to the influence of the womb and were, for this reason, called hysteria, "disease of the womb".

This hestero- unit is not related to a similarly spelled hysteres- unit of words referring to "shortcoming, deficiency; to be behind, to come late, to lag; later".

hysterical neurosis
A form of neurosis in which there is an involuntary disturbance or loss of psychogenic origin of motor, sensory, or mental function.

Characteristically, the symptoms begin and end suddenly in situations which are emotionally charged and which are symbolic of underlying, usually repressed conflicts; frequently the symptoms can be modified by suggestions.

hysterical paralysis, paraplegia
Muscle weakness, or paralysis, without loss of reflex activity, in which no organic lesion can be demonstrated.
hysterical personality
An individual whose behavior is characterized by excitability, instability under, and over-reaction to, minor stress; self-dramatization; attention-seeking; and often seductiveness.

Such individuals tend to be immature, undependable in their judgment, self-centered, vain, and dependent on others.

hysterical psychosis
A term sometimes used to describe an acute episode or gross stress reaction in a hysterical personality, usually manifested by sudden, bizarre, histrionic, violent, and volatile behavior.
hysterical stigmas (pl) (noun) (not singular)
A specific, peculiar phenomena or symptoms of uncontrolled excitement or neurosis: The hysterical stigmas involve peculiar phenomena or symptoms of anesthesia, hyperesthesia, reversal of the visual color field, amblyopia of sudden onset with normal pupillary responses, and impairment of the senses of hearing, of taste, and of muscular senses.
A tendency to be overly emotional or having a neurosis resulting from repression of emotional conflicts from the conscious; characterized by immature, impulsive, dependent, and attention-seeking behavior.
1. An extreme emotional display; such as, a fit of laughing, crying, or anger.
2. A popular term for an uncontrollable emotional outburst.
Resembling hysteria or an overly emotional condition.
Hysteria with cataleptic manifestations or sustained immobility of postures or physical positions.
1. A hernia containing all or part of the uterus.
2. A hernia of the uterus.
Surgical removal of the uterus and vagina.
A reference to the uterus and the urinary bladder.
Suturing of the uterus to the bladder and the abdominal wall.
hysterodemonopathy (s) (noun), hysterodemonopathies (pl)
Demonomania in hysteria or madness: Alice watched a movie about a man conceiving himself as being possessed by the devil and heard that the term for this was hysterodemonopathy.
hysterodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the uterus: At her gynaecologist's office, Susan found out that she had uterine fibroids, which was termed hysterodynia.