parageustic (par uh GYOO stik; par uh JYOO stik)
A reference to a disordered, false, or perverted sense of taste.
parenternal hyperalimentation
The intravenous administration of greater than the normally optimal amounts of essential nutrients.
permissive hypercapnia
(s) (noun), permissive hypercapnias
Artificially induced hypercapnia (more than the normal level of carbon dioxide in the blood) in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome or respiratory failure.
Done to lower the inspiratory pressure and tidal volume and the possibility of lung injury.
Persistence after birth of the fine hair present during fetal life, because of the inability of the bodily skin to throw it off.
Descriptive reference to an increase in the size of a bodily organ, or part of an organ, resulting from fatty or fibrous tissue.
An increase in size of an organ or a part, due not to an increase in size or the number of the specific functional elements but to that of some other tissue, fatty or fibrous.
purposeless hyperactivity
(s) (noun), purposeless hyperactivities
Random excess motion and exertion that fulfills no intention: In an organic brain disease, stimulation sufficient to produce any response typically provokes purposeless hyperactivity in addition to the appropriate response.
sympatheticotonia, sympathicotonia; hypersympathetic dystonia, hypersympatheticotonic dystonia
A condition produced by relatively great activity or stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and characterized by blanching of the skin, goose bumps or goose flesh, vascular spasm, increased pilomotor activity (movement of hairs), and abnormally high blood pressure.
The oculocardiac reflex (slowing of the rhythm of the heart following compression of the eyes) is reduced or inverted, the pupils of the eyes are dilated, there is a fine rapid tremor of the hands, and insomnia often occurs.
Gastrointestinal symptoms; such as, anorexia and constipation may also be present.
(s) (noun), thermhyperesthesias
Excessive sensitiveness to high temperatures: Janice thought she would enjoy living in the desert, however her thermhyperesthesia made it impossible for her to make such a move.
thermic fever, heat hyperpyrexia
1. Heat stroke resulting from the prolonged exposure to the sun, characterized by extreme pyrexia, prostration, convulsion, and coma.
2. A severe and often fatal illness produced by exposure to excessively high temperatures; especially, when it is related to significant physical exertion.
It is usually experienced with elevated body temperature, lack of sweating, hot dry skin, and neurologic symptoms; including unconsciousness, paralysis, headache, vertigo, and/or confusion. In severe cases, very high fever, vascular collapse, and coma also develop.
(s) (noun), thermohyperaesthesias
An extreme sensitiveness or exaggerated perception of hot or cold: Elaine was always complaining about her experiences with thermohyperaesthesia because she was often either too hot or too cold!
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Excessive thermalgesia (pain caused by a slight degree of heat):
Thermohyperalgesia is what Mrs. Thompson experienced when Dr. Black applied a moderate amount of heat to the diseased spot on her arm.
Thermohyperalgesia is a condition of agony induced by hot or cold stimuli at thresholds lower than normal.
Relating to increased arteriolar tension or vasoconstriction (diminution of the caliber of vessels, especially constriction of arterioles leading to decreased blood flow to a part).
xi hyperon, xi particle
An isotopic spin multiplet of quasi-stable baryons with positive parity, spin 1/2, isotopic spin 1/2 hypercharge -1, and approximate mass 1318 MeV.
Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units:
super-, supra-, sur;
ultra-, ult-.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing":