Word Unit:
cyclo-, cycl-, -cycle, -cyclic, -cyclical, -cycles (Greek: around, round, circle, circular)
Word Unit:
cyesio-, cyes-, cyo- + (Greek: to be pregnant; pregnancy)
Word Unit:
cylindro-, cylindr-, cylindri- (Greek > Latin: roller, roller-shaped figure; used in the sense of being "roller-shaped, column-shaped")
Word Unit:
cyo-, cy-, kyo- (Greek: embryo, fetus; pertaining to pregnancy or to a fetus)
Word Unit:
cyprido-, cyprid-, cypri-, cyprid-, (Greek: Kypris, a name for Venus or Aphrodite; a lewd or licentious woman)
Word Unit:
cysto-, cyst-, cysti-, cystido- (Greek: sac or bladder which contains fluid [or gas, as in pneumatocyst]; urinary bladder)
Word Unit:
cyto-, cyt-, -cyte, cytio- (Greek: cells, cell, hollow; used primarily in the extended sense of "animal or plant cells" [because cells were originally thought to be hollow])
A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; kary-, karyo-; neuro-.
Word Unit:
dacryo-, dacry- + (Greek: tear, tears; as from a tear-gland or the tear-glands in the eyes)
Related "tear, tears; as in crying" word unit: lacrimo-.
Word Unit:
dactylo-, dactyl-, dactylio-, -dactyl, -dactyla, -dactylia, -dactylic, -dactylism, -dactyloid, -dactylous, -dactyly (Greek: finger, toe)
Word Unit:
damn-, demn- (Latin: to harm, damage, loss; sentence to punishment, doom; worthy of condemnation)
Word Unit:
dat-, dos-, dot-, dow-, don-, dit- (Greek + Latin: dare, to give, a giving, given; a gift; to grant, to offer)
Another term used for medical dosage can be seen at this posology page.
Word Unit:
de- (Latin: from, away from, off; down; wholly, entirely, utterly, complete; reverse the action of, undo; the negation or reversal of the notion expressed in the primary or root word)