Word Unit: vesico-, vesic- + (Latin: bladder; blister)

Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; puro-; pus-; pustu-; pyo-; suppurant-; tum-; vesiculo-.

Word Unit: vesiculo-, vesicul-, vesiculi- (Latin: [small] blister; literally, "small bladder")

Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; puro-; pus-; pustu-; pyo-; suppurant-; tum-; vesico-.

Word Unit: vesper (Latin: evening; pertaining to the evening)
Word Unit: vespertilio-, vespertili- (Latin: bat, bats (animals))
Word Unit: vespi-, vesp- (Latin: wasp)
Word Unit: vesti-, vest- (Latin: covering for the body, clothes)
Word Unit: vestig-, vestigi- (Latin: footprint; track, tracking, to track, to trace)
Word Unit: vetebro-, vertebr- (Latin: joint, especially of the spinal column)
Word Unit: veter- (Latin vetus: old, aged, old age; many years, a long time; elder, elderly; senior)

Related "old; old age, elder" units: gero-; obsolesc-; presbyo-; sen-.

Word Unit: vexat-, vex- (Latin: to annoy, to irritate; to bother; an agitation; a shaking, a jolting, a shocking situation)
Word Unit: vexill- (Latin: flag, flags; standards, banners)

Flags constitute an explicit self-analysis by nation-states; so, vexillology may justify a claim to being an important aspect of the understanding of global societies and their flags. Flag symbols reflect political realities as well as changes that often are as profound as nation-states themselves.

Word Unit: Vexillology Information, Part 1 of 4 (the study of flags and their significance)
Word Unit: Vexillology Information, Part 2 of 4 (more about the study of flags and their significance)
Word Unit: Vexillology Information, Part 3 of 4 (more about the study of flags and their significance)
Word Unit: Vexillology Information, Part 4 of 4 (the American flag)
Word Unit: via- [-vey, -voy-] (Latin: way, road, path)
Word Unit: vibro-, vibr- (Latin: to quiver, to oscillate, to shake, to move; motion)

Related "move, motion" word units: cine-; kine-; mobil-; mot-, mov-; oscillo-; seismo-.

Word Unit: vicar- + (Latin: substitute; change, alternation)
Word Unit: vicini-, vicin- (Latin: neighborhood, neighbor, near by, close; surrounding district)
Word Unit: victim- (Latin: victima, an animal or a human that is offered as a sacrifice to a god; perhaps a religiously consecrated creature)