Word Unit:
Quotes: Perseverence, Persistence (consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Plagiarism (research of ideas or writings from other sources and making them worse—or better)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Poetry to Stimulate Thinking (a style of writing that can't be translated into the poetry of another language)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Politics, Politicians (conduct of public affairs for private advantages; people who have the gift of gab and the gift of grab)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Procrastination (art of taking a long time to start to begin to get ready to commence)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Prophecy, Prophets (something people get tired of hearing someone say, "I told you it would happen.")
Word Unit:
Quotes: Puns, Part 1 (a form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes: Considered by some to be the lowest form of humus, earthy wit that we all dig and often respond to with groans and moans)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Puns, Part 2 (a form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes; considered by some to be the lowest form of humus, earthy wit, that we all dig and often respond to with groans and moans)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Quizzes and Tests (a quiz about topics that appear to have obvious answers but which might not be correct)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Quotations, Quoting (a passage repeated or reproduced from a statement by someone; sometimes correctly)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Religion (a belief that teaches people to spend the best parts of their lives preparing to avoid the worst that could come after this life)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Research, Inquiry (patient study of the misjudgments and misstatements of others; digging and finding whatever turns up)
Word Unit:
Quotes: Science, Scientists (a field in which scientists try to prolong the lives of people so they will have time to pay for the gadgets that are invented for them)