Word Unit:
Memoir: Authenticity Challenged, Part 2 of 2 (other writers join the bandwagon in revealing fake entries in book)
Word Unit:
Memoir: Dr. Ernest Klein (a man who dealt with the origins of words and their developments)
Word Unit:
Memoir: Eric Partridge (Memoir about Eric Honeywood Partridge, lexicographer; born February 6, 1894 and died June 1, 1979: 85 years)
Word Unit:
Memoir: Samuel Johnson (Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson)
Word Unit:
memor-, memen- (Latin: memory, remember, thought; retaining and recalling past experiences and information; capacity to store information; ability to recall or to recognize previous experiences; recollection; retention)
Word Unit:
meningo-, mening-, meninge-, meningeo-, meningi- (Greek: membranes enveloping the brain and spinal cord)
Word Unit:
menisc-, menisco- (Greek meniskos > Latin meniscus: a crescent-shaped body, a curved structure, lunar crescent form, semilunar cartilage; diminutive of mene, "moon")
A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to the: "moon": Calendar, Moon Facts; Chemical Element: selenium; Gods and Goddesses; luna, luni-; Luna, the earth moon; meno-; Planets in Motion; plano-; seleno-.
Word Unit:
Meniscal Damage and Treatment (tearing or injuring the meniscus of the knee and possible therapy)
Word Unit:
meno-, men-, meni-, -mena (Greek: month; moon; menses (plural), mensis (singular), "month")
A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to the: "moon": Calendar, Moon Facts; Chemical Element: selenium; Gods and Goddesses; luna, luni-; Luna, the earth moon; menisc-; Planets in Motion; plano-; seleno-.
Word Unit:
mens- (Latin: measure)
Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: meter-, metro-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.