Word Unit: ergo-, erg- (Greek: work)

Cross references related to "work, toil" word families: argo-; ergasio-; labor-; oper-; pono-; urg-.

Word Unit: err-, errat- (Latin: wander, stray, rove; deviate)
Word Unit: eruci-, eruc- (Latin: caterpillar)
Word Unit: erythro-, erythr-, ereuth- (Greek: the color red, ruddy; blushing)
Word Unit: -esce, -escent, -escence (Latin: beginning to be, becoming; to be somewhat; a suffix that forms nouns and adjectives)
Word Unit: eschato-, eschat- (Greek: last, furthest, remotest, outermost)
Word Unit: esculent-, -esculent (Latin: food; good to eat, eatable, edible)

Related "eat, eating" word units: brycho-; esophago-; glutto-; phago-; vor-.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; carno-; cibo-; sitio-; tropho-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.

Word Unit: -ese + (Latin: suffix from -ensis, of, belonging to, from [a place]; originating in [a city or country])
Word Unit: -esis (Latin: process of action)
Word Unit: eso-, es-, eis- (Greek: inward, into; within)
Word Unit: esophag-, esophago- (Greek: gullet, throat [passage from the mouth to the stomach], that which carries food; the path along which food travels from the mouth to the stomach)

Related "eat, eating" word units: brycho-; esculent-; glutto-; phago-; vor-.

Cross references related to "neck, throat" word families: cervic-; coll-; guttur-; laryng-; nuch-; trachel-.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; carno-; cibo-; esculent-; sitio-; tropho-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.

Word Unit: -esque (from Proto-Germanic -iskaz, Vulgar Latin -iscus, Italian -esco, and then French -esque: a suffix forming adjuectives and indicating "resemblance, style, manner, or distinctive character, etc., of")
Word Unit: -ess (Greek -issa > Late Latin -issa > Old French -esse > Middle English -esse: a suffix that forms nouns meaning a female +++, as in lioness, tigress, heiress, hostess, and sculptress)
Word Unit: esse, sent-, terest- (Latin: to be)
Word Unit: Esthesia: History of Anesthesia, Part 1 of 3 (a history of anesthesia or anaesthesia)
Word Unit: Esthesia: History of Anesthesia, Part 2 of 3 (the mandragora, or mandrake, plant was used as an anesthesia)
Word Unit: Esthesia: History of Anesthesia, Part 3 of 3 (more history of anesthesia or anaesthesia)
Word Unit: Esthesia: Index of Esthesia-Related Units (historical background of anesthesia)
Word Unit: estim- (Latin: to value; to appraise; to assess)
Word Unit: estiv-, aestiv-; estuar-, aestuar- (Latin: pertaining to summer; heat, fire; the ebb and flow of the sea, tide)