Word Unit:
-aceous, -acea, -aceae, -aceaen, -aceus (Latin: a suffix; having the quality of, of the nature of, characterized by, belonging to, resembling)
Word Unit:
acerb-, acerbo-; acri-, acrid- (Latin: bitter, sharp, sour, stinging)
Word Unit:
aceto-, acet-; relating to acetic acid derivatives (Latin: vinegar; sour, to be sour)
Word Unit:
acetyl- (Latin: derived from aceto- plus the suffix -yl; used in naming chemical radicals)
Word Unit:
acid-, acidi-, acido-, -acidity (Latin: sour [sharp])
Word Unit:
acies-, aci-, acicul- (Latin: a sharp edge or point; mental acuity, sharpness of vision)
Word Unit:
acin-, acini- + (Latin: grape, grapes in a cluster)
Word Unit:
-acious (Latin: suffix; forming adjectives; inclined to, given to, tendency to be, abounding in)
Word Unit:
acous-, acou-, acouo-, acoustico-, acouto-, acousti-, -acousia, -acousis, -acoustical, acu-, -acusis-, -acusia (Greek: akoustikos, to hear, hearing; to listen, listening)
Word Unit:
acrido-, acrid-, acris- (Greek: grasshopper, grasshoppers; locust, locusts; cricket, crickets)
Word Unit:
acro-, acr- (Greek: high, highest, highest point; top, tip end, outermost; extreme; extremity of the body)