
(Greek: many, much; excessive; abnormal amount, profuse, ample, large quantity; multiple, abundant, numerous)

Don’t confuse this poly- with another -poly which means “to sell”.

polyadelphous (adjective) (not comparable)
In botany, referring to plants with stamens joined by their filaments into a number of clusters: Polyadelphous stamens or anthers are found in citrus fruits, like the lemon.
polyadenitis (s) (noun) (no pl)
Adenitis of several or many glands: Polyadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes, especially those of the cervical group.
polyadenopathy, polyadenosis (s) (noun); polyadenopathies; polyadenoses (pl)
Adenopathy affecting many lymph nodes: Jack read in his biology book that polyadenopathy referred to a disease or disorder that involved or concerned multiple lymph nodes in a person's body.
polyadenous (adjective), more polyadenous, most polyadenous
In botany and zoology, pertaining to or involving many glands: In Tom's biology book he learned that abundant plants and animals were polyadenous, which meant that they had numerous glands.
polyaestheic, polyesthetic (adjective); more polyaestheic, most polyaestheic; more polyesthetic, most polyesthetic
Pertaining to, or affecting, several senses or sensations: Standing outside in a rain storm with thunder and lightning is one example of a polyaestheic experience.
polyaesthesia, polyesthesia (s) (noun); polyaesthesias; polyesthesias (pl)
A condition in which the touch of a single object seems to be felt in several different places: When Dr. Jones placed his hand on the upper part of Jasmin's back, the effect of polyaesthesia suddenly occurred because she thought she could feel his touch on the lower parts of her body as well.
polyalcohol (s) (noun), polyalcohols (pl)
An alcohol that contains more than two hydroxy groups (consisting of one atom of hydrogen and one of oxygen): Two example of polyalcohols are a diol and glycerols.
Intoxication or poisoning by a mixture of different alcohols.
polyalgesia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A disorder in which a single painful stimulus produces the sensation of multiple painful stimuli: When very sick in bed, Sam's mother touched his head, and Sam repulsed her touch saying that his whole body hurt him when she did that. Their family doctor said that that was possible and that such a case was termed polyalgesia.
polyamorist (s) (noun), polyamorists (pl)
Someone who has more than one open romance going on at the same time: It was difficult for Mr. Green, as a polyamorist, to keep his different romances a secret, especially to keep the knowledge of his private affairs away from his wife!.

It should be noted that "poly" means "many", not "more than one".

—From new words and senses from the new 2006 update of
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition.
Pertaining to, or characterized by, polyandry; mating with several males: "Recently I saw a TV documentary about polyandric societies."
A mass grave, or a grave containing many human corpses; either as the result of a natural disaster or a war.
1. The marriage of a woman to several (more than two) men at the same time.
2. A woman who practices, or favors, polyandry.
Originally, a cemetery for the many victims of great battles
1. A reference to a female who mates with several males; having more than one husband or having several husbands.
2. Literally having many male sexual partners.
3. In botany, having numerous stamens.

Related topics utilizing this poly- prefix: Polysemy and Polysemous and Polygamy Sections.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.