theo-, the-, -theism, -theist, -theistic
(Greek: God, god, deity, divinity, divine)
The worship of other or strange gods: In the fantasy story that Jill read, the people on the island believed in allotheism, the belief in some gods that were odd, unusual, and weird.
Someone who ascribes human attributes or characteristics to God or to a god.
The belief that the gods originated from human beings and are essentially human in nature or are only deified humans.
The belief that there is no God or gods: Antitheism is the opposite of a belief in any or all deities.
Someone who is opposed to believing in the existence of God or gods.
antitheistic (adjective), more antitheistic, most antitheistic
Related to those who are opposed to God or anything about God.
An attitude of indifference regarding the existence of a god: Apatheism is a disinclination to care all that much about one’s own religion, and an even stronger lack of interest in caring about other people’s religious beliefs.
1. The transformation or elevation of a human into a god.
2. The highest point of glory, power, or importance.
3. The best or most glorious example of something.
4. Etymology: from Late Latin apotheosis, from Greek apotheosis, from apotheoun, "deify, make a god of"; apo-, "from" + theos, "god".
2. The highest point of glory, power, or importance.
3. The best or most glorious example of something.
4. Etymology: from Late Latin apotheosis, from Greek apotheosis, from apotheoun, "deify, make a god of"; apo-, "from" + theos, "god".
apotheosize (verb), apotheosizes; apotheosized; apotheosizings
1. To elevate person to the status of a god.
2. To glorify or exalt someone or something.
3. Etymology: from Late Latin apotheoun, "to deify, to make someone a god"; from apo-, "from, change" + theos, "god".
2. To glorify or exalt someone or something.
3. Etymology: from Late Latin apotheoun, "to deify, to make someone a god"; from apo-, "from, change" + theos, "god".
Religious beliefs that are based on the observation or knowledge of heavenly or celestial bodies.
Godlessness, disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a God or any gods: In contrast to Andrew's upbringing by his uncle, a pastor in the local church, Mary's cousin declared that he was devoted to atheism because he could not believe in God.
1. Someone who does not believe in a God or gods or who denies the existence of Divine Beings, or Deities: An atheist believes there is no God while an agnostic believes human beings can never know whether there is a God or not.
2. A person who denies, or disbelieves, that there is any such thing as a Supreme Being or beings: Joe's friend, even though he is an atheist, still enjoys having long philosophical discussions with the archbishop of the local church.
3. A disbeliever, an unbeliever, a nonbeliever, a denier of God's existence, a godless person: Laura believes in the existence of God, but her brother is an atheist and he thinks his sister is silly to believe that there is any such thing as a God.
4. Etymology: from French athéiste, from ancient Greek atheos, "godless, denying the gods"; from a-, "without, no" + theos, "god".

2. A person who denies, or disbelieves, that there is any such thing as a Supreme Being or beings: Joe's friend, even though he is an atheist, still enjoys having long philosophical discussions with the archbishop of the local church.
3. A disbeliever, an unbeliever, a nonbeliever, a denier of God's existence, a godless person: Laura believes in the existence of God, but her brother is an atheist and he thinks his sister is silly to believe that there is any such thing as a God.
4. Etymology: from French athéiste, from ancient Greek atheos, "godless, denying the gods"; from a-, "without, no" + theos, "god".

As an atheist, I proclaim that if there were a God, would people like this poor man be allowed to be in such miserable conditions? This is just one example of how so many people in the world are suffering and which proves to me that there is no God.
atheistic (adjective), more atheistic, most atheistic
1. A description of a person who denies the existence of god: Because of Michael's atheistic beliefs, the young man chose to go for a walk in the forest rather than to go to church.
2. Related to or characterized by a denial that God exists or is real or present in any form: As a psychologist, Susan's atheistic beliefs contrasted with those of her college roommate who was a deeply devoted Christian.
2. Related to or characterized by a denial that God exists or is real or present in any form: As a psychologist, Susan's atheistic beliefs contrasted with those of her college roommate who was a deeply devoted Christian.
Someone who is opposed to the studies of God and religion.
atheological (adjective), more atheological, most atheological
1. Opposed to the study of God, a god, or gods, and the beliefs of religion in general.
2. Against an organized method of interpreting spiritual works and beliefs.
2. Against an organized method of interpreting spiritual works and beliefs.
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Related religious-word units: church; dei-, div-; ecclesi-; fanati-; hiero-; idol-;-olatry; zelo-.