phago-, phag-, -phage, -phagi, -phagic, -phagically, -phagia, -phagism, -phagist, -phagic, -phagous, -phagy
(Greek: eat, eating; to consume, to ingest; relationship to eating or consumption by ingestion or engulfing)
ichthyophagi, ichthyophagian
Fisheaters; coast-dwelling people living on sea food.
Any human, animal, etc. that eats or consumes fish.
To eat fish.
ichthyophagous, ichthyophagus
1. Eating or feeding on fish.
2. The practice of subsisting on fish.
2. The practice of subsisting on fish.
Feeding on one or allied species; such as, fungi.
Eating, or consuming, poisoned meat.
The eating of poisoned meat.
Consuming a diet composed entirely of milk.
larviphagic, larviphagy
Feeding on, or eating, larvae.
The phagocytosis of leukocytes by cells of the monocyte-macrophage system: Jane read about leukocytophagy as referring to white blood cells of the immune system, (like a neutrophil) that eats and destroys viruses and bacteria, for example.
The ingestion of leukocytes by phagocytes: Judylearned in medical school, that some cells of the immune system engulf and destroy not only viruses and bacteria, but also white blood cells.
lignophage, lignophagic, lignophagy, lignophage
An abnormal chewing and eating of wood, seen in horses in restrictive quarters.
limophage, limophagic, limophagy, limophage
Feeding on mud.
lipophage, lipophagic, lipophagia, lipophagy
1. A cell (lipophage) that ingests or absorbs fat.
2. The absorption of fat; lipolysis.
2. The absorption of fat; lipolysis.
lithophage, lithophagic, lithophagy
1. Usually a reference to organisms that erode or bore into rocks.
2. Eating small stones, as with some birds.
2. Eating small stones, as with some birds.
Related "eat, eating" word units: brycho-; esculent-; esophago-; glutto-; vor-.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; carno-; cibo-; esculent-; sitio-; tropho-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.