plic-, pli- plect-, plec-, plici-, -plex, -plexity, -plexus,
-ple, -pli, -plic, -plicat, -plicit, -plicate, -plication, -ply
(Latin: plicare, plecare, to fold, bend, curve, turn, twine, twist, interweave, weave)
1. An associate in wrongdoing; especially, someone who helps or encourages another person in a criminal act, either as a principal participant or as an accessory: The internet accomplices were very clever and quick to fool the football player into believing that a girl had fallen in love with him.
2. Etymology: from Late Latin complex, complic, "allied"; from com- "together" + the root of plicare, "to fold".

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2. Etymology: from Late Latin complex, complic, "allied"; from com- "together" + the root of plicare, "to fold".

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app (s), apps (pl)
1. Short for software applications; an application; an application program.
Jargon, or an informal term, that is often found in technology research reports.
2. In medicine, amyloid precursor protein (APP), which is a large transmembrane glycoprotein expressed on the cell surface and of uncertain function.It may be cleaved on the cell surface to a soluble form. Alternatively, cleavage may follow endocytosis and in some cases then yields 40 to 43 abnormal amino acid peptides, which aggregate to form Ab amyloid, associated with Alzheimer's disease.
appliably (adverb), more appliably, most appliably
1. Pertaining to how someone puts something to use: Jack leaned against the door appliably and it opened.
2. Concerning how a person employs action to accomplish something: The brakes in the car were used appliably so that the car would come to a complete stop.
3. Descriptive to how something is suitable or pertinent: The issue is appliably relevant and can be used in the court case.
2. Concerning how a person employs action to accomplish something: The brakes in the car were used appliably so that the car would come to a complete stop.
3. Descriptive to how something is suitable or pertinent: The issue is appliably relevant and can be used in the court case.
Relevance by virtue of being useful to the matter at hand: A screwdriver is great to have and its applicability for turning screws in or out of wood makes that kind of job much easier to accomplish!
applicable (adjective), more applicable, most applicable
1. Capable of being put into practice; utilized; pertinent; suitable: The laws in Germany are not applicable in Canada and they just don't apply.
2. Being relevant and fitting: Jackie asked, "Is this new information applicable and relevant for my term paper?"
2. Being relevant and fitting: Jackie asked, "Is this new information applicable and relevant for my term paper?"
applicably (adverb), more applicably, most applicably
Relating to how something can be used in an appropriate and practical way: The two methods of waste control are both applicably effective and should be considered in the next meeting.
Someone who applies for a position, candidacy, a job, etc.
apply (verb), applies; applied; applying
1. To put on or to contact by spreading something on a surface: "Lina applied some cream to Bill's sunburned skin."
2. To use or to put into action: "When the window wouldn't open, Jaden applied pressure to force it open."
3. To fit: "The parking restrictions don't apply after 6 p.m. nor on Sundays."
4. To concentrate on: "When Jason came back from his vacation, he seriously applied himself to his work."
5. To make a request or to ask formally for something: "Hayden applied for a job after his technical training was completed."
2. To use or to put into action: "When the window wouldn't open, Jaden applied pressure to force it open."
3. To fit: "The parking restrictions don't apply after 6 p.m. nor on Sundays."
4. To concentrate on: "When Jason came back from his vacation, he seriously applied himself to his work."
5. To make a request or to ask formally for something: "Hayden applied for a job after his technical training was completed."