plic-, pli- plect-, plec-, plici-, -plex, -plexity, -plexus,
-ple, -pli, -plic, -plicat, -plicit, -plicate, -plication, -ply
(Latin: plicare, plecare, to fold, bend, curve, turn, twine, twist, interweave, weave)
explicable (adjective), more explicable, most explicable
Capable of being made understood or comprehended: In Tony's German class at school, Mrs. Schmidt clarified the grammar which was explicable for the students for doing the exercise.
explicate (EK stri kayt") (verb), explicates; explicated; explicating
1. To explain something; especially, a literary text, in a detailed and formal way or to make the meaning of a piece of writing, a plan, etc. clear for others to understand: Mildred explicated her suggestions in simple terms to make it more comprehensible for her supervisor to know what she was planning to do for the completion of the project.
2. To develop an idea or theory and to interpret and to show its implications: The teacher was explicating a plain and comprehensible lesson so her students would have better results for the solutions of the math homework.
3. Etymology: from Latin explicare, "to unfold, to unravel".
2. To develop an idea or theory and to interpret and to show its implications: The teacher was explicating a plain and comprehensible lesson so her students would have better results for the solutions of the math homework.
3. Etymology: from Latin explicare, "to unfold, to unravel".
explicit (ik SPLIS it) (adjective), more explicit, most explicit
1. Pertaining to the expression of details in a clear and obvious way, leaving no doubt as to the intended meaning: Shirley was asked by her teacher to have a more explicit explanation about what the words mean in the essay that she wrote for her English class.
2. Describing something which is definite and not implied or guessed at: Henry didn't have explicit information about the decision his company made regarding the new investment.
3. Regarding anything that is shown or expressed clearly and openly, without hiding anything: The teacher gave his students explicit instructions as to how they should complete the writing assignment.
4. Etymology: from French explicite, from Latin explicitus. "unobstructed", from explicare, "to unfold, to unravel, to explain"; from ex-, "out" + plicare, "to fold".

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2. Describing something which is definite and not implied or guessed at: Henry didn't have explicit information about the decision his company made regarding the new investment.
3. Regarding anything that is shown or expressed clearly and openly, without hiding anything: The teacher gave his students explicit instructions as to how they should complete the writing assignment.
4. Etymology: from French explicite, from Latin explicitus. "unobstructed", from explicare, "to unfold, to unravel, to explain"; from ex-, "out" + plicare, "to fold".

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exploit (verb), exploits; exploited; exploiting
1. To get value or usefulness from something: Jack has never fully exploited his musical talents.
2. To make full use of and to derive benefit from a resource: Hundreds of companies have decided to exploit the new technology of providing information on the Internet.
3. To take advantage of or to make selfish use of someone or something: Jim's employer has been exploiting his workers with long hours and low pay for a long time.

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2. To make full use of and to derive benefit from a resource: Hundreds of companies have decided to exploit the new technology of providing information on the Internet.
3. To take advantage of or to make selfish use of someone or something: Jim's employer has been exploiting his workers with long hours and low pay for a long time.

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implicate (IM pli kayt") (verb), implicates; implicated; implicating
To reveal or to show that someone is participating in or is connected to something illegal or morally wrong: The politician was implicated in misappropriating government funds to support his election.

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The robber's confession is implicating two other men who were involved in the holdup of the bank.

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