plic-, pli- plect-, plec-, plici-, -plex, -plexity, -plexus,
-ple, -pli, -plic, -plicat, -plicit, -plicate, -plication, -ply
(Latin: plicare, plecare, to fold, bend, curve, turn, twine, twist, interweave, weave)
Having the ratio of two and a half to one, or of five to two.
supple (adjective), more supple, most supple
1. Descriptive of a person's body which is limber, flexible, and easily bendable: Linda's swimming teacher said she had a very supple physical structure because she was very graceful and lithe when swimming.
2. Regarding an object which is quite pliant and tensile in all directions: The supple and soft brown leather Mary was working on was going to be a nice jacket for her husband.
3. Pertaining to someone's personality trait which is readily responsive and adaptable to new situations or to the wishes of others: The waiter in the restaurant was quite friendly, compliant, and supple to the desires of the customers.
4. Etymology: from Latin supplex, "submissive, humbly begging, beseeching, kneeling in entreaty, suppliant;" literally, "bending, kneeling down" from sub, "under" + placare, "to calm, to appease, to quiet, to soothe, to assuage."

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2. Regarding an object which is quite pliant and tensile in all directions: The supple and soft brown leather Mary was working on was going to be a nice jacket for her husband.
3. Pertaining to someone's personality trait which is readily responsive and adaptable to new situations or to the wishes of others: The waiter in the restaurant was quite friendly, compliant, and supple to the desires of the customers.
4. Etymology: from Latin supplex, "submissive, humbly begging, beseeching, kneeling in entreaty, suppliant;" literally, "bending, kneeling down" from sub, "under" + placare, "to calm, to appease, to quiet, to soothe, to assuage."

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suppliant (adjective), more suppliant, most suppliant
1. Concerning an entreaty or plea, particularly to someone who is in authority or in power: Judy went to church on Sunday and was very suppliant when she appealed to God in a humble way to save her sister from dying of cancer.
2. Etymology: from Latin supplicare; "to beg, to beseech, to entreat."

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2. Etymology: from Latin supplicare; "to beg, to beseech, to entreat."

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The act of begging or earnestly asking for something.
1. Threefold; consisting of three; treble.
2. Three times as many or as much.
2. Three times as many or as much.
triplicate (TRIP li kayt") (verb), triplicates; triplicated; triplicating
1. To make a set of three identical objects or copies of something: Monica was told to triplicate the financial reports of the company when she prepared them for the Chief Executive Officer.
2. To make threefold by tripling something: Jill explained to the salesperson that she wanted to triplicate the items she was buying because she wanted to share them with her friends Leslie, Tina, and Mia.
3. Etymology: from Latin tripicare, "to triple".
triplicate (TRIP li kit) (s) (noun), triplicates (pl)
triplicate (TRIP li kuht) (adjective) (not comparable)
2. To make threefold by tripling something: Jill explained to the salesperson that she wanted to triplicate the items she was buying because she wanted to share them with her friends Leslie, Tina, and Mia.
3. Etymology: from Latin tripicare, "to triple".
triplicate (TRIP li kit) (s) (noun), triplicates (pl)
Something that has three precise parts to it or which exist in three exact reproductions: When Tim went to the photo shop to have his travel pictures developed, he wanted to have them printed in triplicate so he could place one set in his album and share two copies with his friends Erin and Patrick.
triplicate (TRIP li kuht) (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of anything that has three explicit sections to it or which exist in three word-for-word presentations: Matt instructed his secretary to send triplicate invoices to the contractors who were working on the project.
uncomplicate (uhn KAHM pli kayte") (verb), uncomplicates; uncomplicated; uncomplicating
1. To solve or to straighten out a mixed up situation with a simple solution: The students in class were all very loud so, to uncomplicate this problem, the teacher told them to get their books open to a short story and to answer questions about the contents and hand the results of their work to her before the period ended!
2. To be able to take care of a medical condition in an easy way: It was easy for the doctor to uncomplicate Jane’s sore throat because all she needed was a medicinal fluid to gargle with. vacate
2. To be able to take care of a medical condition in an easy way: It was easy for the doctor to uncomplicate Jane’s sore throat because all she needed was a medicinal fluid to gargle with. vacate
uncomplicated (adjective), more uncomplicated, most uncomplicated
1. Characteristic of being simple or direct and straightforward: Jason was an uncomplicated supervisor who was greatly appreciated by those who worked with him.
2. Descriptive of having an easy to accomplish medical treatment: When Mildred fell down and skinned her knee, her doctor was able to provide the proper medication and bandage that made it possible for it to heal so she could walk properly again.
3. Etymology: from un, "not" + com, "together" + plicare, "to fold".
2. Descriptive of having an easy to accomplish medical treatment: When Mildred fell down and skinned her knee, her doctor was able to provide the proper medication and bandage that made it possible for it to heal so she could walk properly again.
3. Etymology: from un, "not" + com, "together" + plicare, "to fold".